Chapter 8- Brotherly bonding

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Few days, after I was able to go home and go to school. Thankful I didn't have as much homework as I anticipated.  My mother ask if I was sure I can go to school that day and I said yes. Nevertheless I'm back home and I getting my own time to do other things, like reading and making littles nicknacks.

Currently I just finished catching up on my homework and I  was working on a little side project of mine. It was nearly Knightmare's birthday, I knew that because Lucy talk about it before as we where talking after school. I wanted to do something special for her since the pudding and just something to life her sprites up a little.

Now the next day was the week and I decided to spend it playing with my brother. Sure I may have lived many lives and remember but this was the first time I had a functional family. All my other lives where just crappy to say the least. One of them my parents were abussive, in another my parents ingored me, next killed when I was young, they were killed by me... then many other horrible situations. But this time was different and that I had a good family with kind parents and a sweet brothers. I want to spent my time to the fullest with this life. This life that will be one that I remember for eternity.

Now me and my brother was just playing smash bro's and other games.

"Big bwo." He said.

"Hm?" I replied.

"Do you? Ummm love me." He said shyly.

"Well of course! I love you! I wouldn't I love my one and only bro?" I asked.

"There these kids at my school. They called me mean things and said that no one loves me and..." he said as he slowly got quietly and cried.

At the moment if I knew who those kid were I wouldn't hesitate to kill them. I place my controller down and hugged him.

"Now don't ever think that now ok? Our parents love you. I love you. Now did you tell mother and dad? Or did you tell the teacher."

"I-I tOlD the TeaCheR and They.... they said I was lying b-ecAuSe those kids where her best students And I wAs alwAYs tHe bad kid SHe saId. ThEn The kIds said if I TeLl aGian I wOuld bE Dead." He sobbed as I gently patting his back.

I waited a few minutes and the he continued "and no I didn't twll mWm an dAwd."

"You want me to go to your school after school and talk to your teacher about this?" I said as he nodded.

"Alright but I will tell our parents about this ok?" He nodded agian.

"Now want to have some food and continue with a game day?" Then be nodded and we continued playing.

Later that night when little bro was asleep I told my parents of what he told me. Naturally they were concerned and angry, I told them I would handle it and don't worry as they had work to focus on. They ask if I was sure I want to and I reassure them.

Now it was Monday and I went to school as normal and did all my work during lunch.

"Umm Knight is everything ok?" Kin asked concerned as I was doing homework while eating a sandwich.

"Well yes why?" I asked.

"You don't ever do homework at lunch and you look like you and the homework had been mortal enemies for years. And also you where in a pretty bad mood, heck even one of your teacher became concerned and asked me."

"I'm fine. Everything is FINE."

"Okay—- so um.... you wanna hang out after school."

"No!" I slight raise my voice then calmed down and sighed, "look sorry for the out burst. But no."

"It's chill but why?"

"Ugh I have a teacher to deal with and pesky kids I need to have a nice chat with.... No one and I MEAN NO ONE messes with my little brother." I said quietly on the last part.

"Yesh ok.... I'm just going to be quiet now."

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