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3 weeks passed since Eunmi didn't go to school. "did everyone see Eunmi?" Jungkook asked the other students. All of them shook their head "no, Mr. Jeon we don't see her... maybe you should try ask her bestfriend Nayeon and Sana"

One girl said to him. He nodded "okay thank you"

When Jungkook asked Nayeon and Sana, they also didn't see her. "no Mr. Jeon we also try to contact and went to her house but we still doesn't find her" Jungkook sighed and nodded "thanks..." he walked to his office.

Where did Eunmi go? That question repeated inside his mind until someone disturbs him while he was in daydream. "Jungkook-sshi..." he looked up and saw his girlfriend "oh iu..." she smiled and sat in front of him.

"what are you thinking about?" Jungkook smiled weakly doesn't want iu to knows about it "ah... nothing, maybe a little tired" iu chuckles "well... being a teacher is very hard" he nodded "yes, really hard"

Iu smiled again "by the way, my mom called me earlier and she wants to meet us after school" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows "why?" "for discuss about our wedding?" Jungkook nodded "oh, okay" Jungkook smiled warmly to iu.

"I've to go, see you later" iu pinched Jungkook's cheeks and walked out.


3 weeks passed since I didn't go to school. I stay at my parents' house to release my mind. I still can't stop thinking about him. Is he fine there? Did he eat well? Did he fine with his girlfriend? all of that questions kept repeating inside my mind.

Ugh, why can't I forget about you?

"Eunmi... it's already 3 weeks you didn't go to school... we're worried about your reputation, please go to school?" my mom begged. I looked down "can I stop from going to school and working with you guys?" my parents were shocked.

"Jung Eunmi, please don't do that... you need to finish your study... it just a few months more" my dad said looking at me with his cold piercing eyes.

I sighed "did you have problems there?" my mom said softly, calming me down. I shook my head "it's nothing... it just I don't feel good staying there alone..." my mom smiled warmly and patted my head. "poor you... it's fine if you need someone to accompany we'll just ask you brother"

I shook my head quickly "ah ani! You don't have to, he's busy with his work... I don't want to trouble him... it's okay"


The next day, Eunmi already went to school. Everyone was asking where did she go? But she just replied it with a weak smile.

Their first class with me ended. Eunmi was about to walk out from the class but I stopped her. "oh Ms. Jung..." she stopped and turned to me "yes Mr. Jeon?" I smiled "well, it's nothing... it just can I get your phone number?"

She furrowed her eyebrows "my... phone number?" I nodded "for what?" I shook my head "oh nothing just at least if you're absent I can ask you" she nodded and gave her number.

I thanked her and she walked out went to the cafeteria.


"he has a girlfriend?" Sana asked. I nodded weakly "I didn't even confess to him... he already tell me that he has a girlfriend" they patted my head "it's okay Eunmi..."

"oh I knew..." all of us turned to Nayeon. "what about you ask him to meet and confess, yes I know he's someone's boyfriend but at least you don't hide your feelings right? at least you already let it out it will makes you feel more better"

She smiled while explained. I lowered my head and sighed "we'll see..." they frowned "aww c'mon Eunmi... you can do it" I smiled weakly to them "fine, I'll do it..."

They smiled "that's my girl..."


I was lying on the bed resting my body while closing my eyes. Then, I received a text from unknown number.

Sender; hey! ~

Eunmi; um, who's this?

Sender; oh! It's Jungkook!

As I read the text he gave my phone dropped. "oh shit! How can I forgot I gave him my number!" I picked up my phone

Eunmi; oh, yeah...

Jungkook; I'm just asking you whether you're free tomorrow?

Eunmi; oh I think, I am... why?

Jungkook; well if you don't mind let's go out? Yeah more like a date but a friend date... you know what I mean.

Eunmi; ohh

Jungkook; so... are you going? If you don't want to it's okay

Eunmi; ah! No, no... I'll go

Jungkook; //giggle// okay, then I gotta go bye-bye!

Eunmi; emm, bye...

I sighed heavily "is it true about the rumor? Mrs. Lee and Mr. Jeon had something? But why did he asking me to go out?"

It's getting more confused. "agh, I don't want to think about it anymore... it doesn't matter right?"


"well, thanks for the dinner mom (iu mom)" she smiled to me "oh, you're welcome since you're going to be apart from our family, you should always come here! ~" she smiled while smiling widely.

"oh don't worry I will..." I smiled to iu's mom then to iu who was washing the dishes. She chuckled when we made an eye contact. "okay I will you both here, if you need anything just call me! ~" iu mom wlked upstairs.

"Jungkook-ah..." I smiled and looked up "ne?" she smiled to me. "um... I was wondering what will the students said bout us" she said while drying her hands.

I chuckles "you don't have to worry about them, they must be happy for us" she giggled "you sure?" she said as she took a seat in front of me. I nodded "yeah, I'm very sure about that"

"oh honey tomorrow I'll go out after school..." she nodded "oh with that girl what her name? ah... Eunmi right?" I nodded "ne...." she smiled "sure, I'm okay"

Thanks god iu really understand about me.... 

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