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"why are you following me?!" I yelled to him as I turned. He looked at me with sad expression on his face. "Eunmi... where did you go?"

I scoffed "you don't need to know Jungkook..." he shook his head and walked closer "no... I need to know..." he held my hands. I pushed his hand away.

"why must you care?! You should just care about iu!" he sighed, looking down "I cancelled the wedding for you Eunmi... for you" I rolled my eyes

"bullshit..." his eyes widen as he heard me swearing for the first time moreover with him. "E-Eunmi-yah..." he stepped closer but I stepped back, keeping the distance away. "is it not enough you need to hurt my feelings a past years ago?"

I sighed "enough Jungkook, enough... I'm tired" tears started to appear inside his eyes "no Eunmi no, I promise this time I'll be honest with you"

I shook my head "no..." I said with my expression less. "we're just friend right?" tears rolled down on his cheeks. "but i love you..."

I scoffed "I love you.... That's fake Jungkook! I'm tired of being played all of my life! But not anymore because I know I already found the right guy that could heal the pain that all boys gave to me..."

I rolled my eyes and walked home. Leaving him behind yelling my name.


After gave Hoseok his noodle, I went to my room without saying anything.... I plopped on the bed, remembering what Jungkook said earlier.

"but I love you..."

I bit my bottom lips "you should just fucking marry that girl Jungkook! Just leave me here alone!" I said by myself. His words repeated inside my head. I'm getting stressed about it "ugh! Why him? Why must him?!"


"I love you.... That's fake Jungkook! I'm tired of being played all of my life! But not anymore because I know I already found the right guy that could heal the pain that all boys gave to me..."

I sighed heavily as I remembered what she said to me... "so she found another guy huh?" I looked down... suddenly I looked up when something hit inside my mind "no! I can't give up easily! I need to heal the pain that I gave to her! She's not deserves to be hurt!"


"Eunmi-yah, wakeup... it's your first day to work right?" my mom knocked on the door. I sat up on the bed "yes I know... I'm up"

I sighed and went to the bathroom. After done taking a quick shower, I went to my closet and pick formal clothes to go for a work on a new company.


"oh, I'm new assistant here..." I said to one lady at the counter. She smiled "okay let me showed you, your boss room..." I nodded and she brought me to the boss office.

She knocked on the door and the boss told me to go inside. I bowed to the lady and went inside. "good morning sir, I'm your new assistant"

He looked up and our eyes met. "Eunmi?" he looked at me shock. "J-Jungkook..." he smiled and quickly stood then went to me. "s-so, you're my new assistant?" he said in excitement. I stepped back and bowed.

"ne, I'm your new personal assistant" he chuckles. "I'm so happy to meet you..." I lowered my head "okay..."

The fuck is going on now? in past he's my teacher and now my boss? Did the world really hate me?!

"so start from today you're my assistant and I'm your boss... your room is next to my room, I'll call you whenever I need you" he said while his eyes can't take off from looking at me. I nodded and went to my room quickly.

"gosh, this is insane..." 

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