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"so dad, this is Jungkook" I said to my dad while smiling at him. My dad smiled and asked us to sit. "hmm, not bad you have a handsome boyfriend Eunmi... he's more handsome that that mark guy" my eyes widen.

"dad! He's not my boyfriend..." I blushed. my dad chuckled "aigoo, really?" me and Jungkook nodded. "well you guys should get together" Hoseok oppa said. "because you both look cute together" my mom adds.

I looked away while blushing. "oh, I heard you're her teacher" my dad asked Jungkook. He nodded "yes, I am..." he smiled. "oh... so it's right that he's the teacher that you like huh?" my dad said teasingly. "dad..." I pouted.

My parents giggled and we both then started to eat while talking about some random stuff.


After done eating, Eunmi's dad asked me to talk for a while. We both then when to the living room. "I really disappointed on Mark" her dad said while shaking his head. "I really thought that he could bring happiness for Eunmi"

He sighed "our family also already planned about their wedding" I looked down. "please Jungkook, I trust you... please bring happiness for Eunmi... I really want her to have a beautiful family" he said while looking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows "what do you mean by a beautiful family?" he chuckled "why? You don't want her for yourself?" my eyes widen and I quickly nodded. "of course I want!" he giggled.

"I'm sure she still likes you... it just a little bit to win her heart" I smiled. "you need to work hard..." I nodded "yes, I want to fix the mistakes that I made in past" he chuckled "past is past Jungkook... just turn the page and start the new chapter"

I nodded. "please make her happy okay?" I nodded again. "I promise I'll never waste this last chance and I'll make her happy also I promise we'll create a beautiful family"


I hide behind the wall while listen the conversations secretly. "I promise I'll never waste this last chance and I'll make her happy also I promise we'll create a beautiful family" Jungkook said. I smiled and blushed.

I hope you won't forget your promises Jungkook


"tomorrow I'll pick you okay?" he said. I nodded "sure" he smiled "why don't you just be my girlfriend huh?" he said while pinching my cheeks. I pouted "do you need to pinch my cheeks?" he chuckled "it just too cute I can't handle myself from pinching it"

I blushed "oh? You're blushing Eunmi!" I grinned "whatever!" he laughed. "c'mon you don't answer my question yet..." I furrowed my eyebrows "why don't you just be my girlfriend?" he pouted.

Damn it, stop being cute Jungkook! It makes me like want to punch someone

"mhm, I don't know" he whined "why don't you know?" I sighed "can you stop being a baby?" he smirked "are you telling that I'm cute?" I rolled my eyes pretending like he's not cute. "of course not all"

He sighed "why is it so hard to win your heart?" I smiled "I don't know"

Suddenly a smile appeared on his face "Eunmi..." I raised my eyebrows "what?" he grinned "be my girlfriend?" I looked at him shock. "what?"

d-did he just asked me out?! Akjsjhdisnfbfisy I CAN'T!

he chuckled "c'mon stop pretending like you don't hear it... you just need to answer yes or no" he whined.

I blushed "are you kidding?" he shook his head "do I look like I'm kidding?" I grinned "is this for real?" he nodded "yes" I smiled "you sure?" he shrugged "ugh c'mon Eunmi... I'm getting impatient" I giggled "yes?"

He looked at me shock "w-wait, did you just—really Eunmi?!" I smiled "I don't want to repeat it again" he jumped happily "YAWHOO!" he cleared his throat "I mean... thank you" I giggled at his silliness.

"okay, I'll go inside bye" he cleared his throat again "is there no goodnight kiss for your boyfriend?" I turned around looking at him. He just raised his eyebrows.

"silly" I said before walking to him. I tiptoe and kissed his cheeks. "goodnight" he smiled widely "goodnight too, make sure you don't dream about any guys except me okay?"

"what if it happen?" he scrunched his face "nah... it won't happen" we both laughed "whatever, see you tomorrow!" he waved. I waved back and he drove home. 

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