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//inside her dreams//

I opened my eyes and realized I'm at another room. I furrowed my eyebrows "didn't I on the castle yesterday?" I shrugged my shoulders and got off from my bed. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"mom? Dad?" no response "Hoseok oppa?" still no response. I shrugged my shoulders again and drank a glass of water. Then, I went to my room and took a shower. I then went to the closet and changed into something simple.

I picked black skirt and pink hoodie. I then apply some simple makeup and tied my hair into a ponytail. I then put my white converse and walked out from house.

After went to the coffee shop, I walked alone at the park. I sat alone at the swing and suddenly someone approached me. "you alone?"

I looked up and it's "Jungkook!" I smiled happily. He furrowed his eyebrows "yeah, me... why did you look so happy huh? Didn't you hate me?" I twitched my eyebrows "what? no! I love you..." he raised his eyebrows

"but I always bullies you at school" I looked at him disbelief "what? no, I'm full-time house wife and you work as a CEO" he looked at me shock "whoa, being CEO is my dream... but since when you become someone's wife?"

I furrowed my eyebrows "hey, you're my husband" he looked at me disbelief "no, I'm your neighbour" I looked at me weirdly "we're married 2 years ago Jungkook!"

He awkwardly laughed "I just know you for 1 year... you just transferred into same school as mine last year, what are you talking about? We didn't graduate yet..." "are you got into a fever?" he held my forehead

"no you're not..." he laughed suddenly. "oh, okay! I know already, you like me right? you try to flirt with me right?~~" I shook my head "no Jungkook, I'm serious you're my husband, our parents reunited us together"

He laughed again. "since when my parents meet yours? I even didn't live with my parents and same goes to you... you said you lived alone" I then stood and slapped him on his face making him shocked. "what's wrong with you?!" he yelled.

Tears rolled down on my cheeks "I can't believe you forgot who you are" I walked away.


I was staring at Eunmi. It's been 4 months she still doesn't wake up yet. While I was staring at her suddenly, tears rolled down on her cheeks. My eyes widen.

I quickly wept her cheeks and held her hands "please wake up soon Eunmi, I'm worried about you...." I sighed heavily and kissed her forehead. Then I walked out from her ward.

Just after I walked out from her ward, I saw Sana and Nayeon walked to me. "Mr. Jeon, is she awake?" I shook my head "no, she still not..." I sighed. They nodded "um, where are you going?" Sana asked. "downstairs to get a coffee... please take care of Eunmi for a while" they nodded and I walked away.


//inside her dreams//

I hugged my knees while crying. i can't believe he forgot who he is.... He's such a jerk! I decided to sleep. I covered myself with the blanket and drove to sleep.


I woke up and realized I'm on my bed. I getting confused now "what's wrong with me? how can I get into here?"

As I went downstairs I saw Mrs. Lee. "Mrs. Lee? Why are you here?" I went to her and sat down next to her on the couch.

She turned to me and held my hands "Eunmi... I really want to see Jungkook happy" I nodded "yeah, me too"

She chuckled "he's everything to me you know right? even I love him, I let him go because I know we're not mean to be together"

"M-Mrs. Lee, what are you talking about?" she smiled "Jungkook love you so much he even kept asking me whether I saw you or not along the past years you left him"

I furrowed my eyebrows "really?" she nodded "I let him go just to see him happy, I knew you could bring a happy ending for him.... Eunmi, I'm saying this to you because I know marriage is hard journey to everyone even you, even me"

"please never leave Jungkook, never stop loving him... and stop doing your best to keep your relationship with Jungkook until you die..."

I twitched my eyebrows "Mrs. Lee, why are you saying this to me?" she smiled "to let you know how hard long last relationship is... and I want you to have a long last relationship with Jungkook... remember what I'm saying Eunmi... never stop loving him..."


It's been 6 months now. "ugh hyung... I'm so worried now" Hoseok hyung patted my back "trust me just be patient and you'll be okay..." I sighed "but how long-" "a-ark..." we both turned to Eunmi.

She tried to open her eyes. I gasped "e-eunmi?!" Eunmi you're awake!" I smiled happily as I hugged her tightly.

"u-ugh, who are you?"

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