❃| 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 : '𝐍𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦' 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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The following takes place before debut. Jisoo had just turned 15 years old and she experiences being girly for the first time.


This was all new territory for the young teen. Jisoo was only a 15 year old when she first became girly or looked girly.

Even though, the concept was 'hip hop', Mr. Bang wanted Jisoo to look like a girl while fitting the concept of the group and the mv.

She didn't know what he meant by that until the day came where every member had to take photos for the teasers.

Jisoo, that day, had never seen so many excited adults in cosmetics act so excited.

As soon as she entered the dressing room that morning, the rampage began.

"Hello, I am Park Jisoo, please take care of me." Jisoo greeted meekly, bowing to them.

Immediately, she was met with squeals of delight and coos.

"Omo, you are just adorable!" One of the stylist gushed, with her hand over her heart.

"But look at her hair!" Another one squealed, playing with her hair.

And soon, Jisoo had three women surrounding her. Talking about how pretty her eyes were and how soft her hair was.

Turning redder by all the affection she was receiving, Jisoo nearly curled up in a ball. She had never gained this much attention for her physical appearance before.

This was all new to her.

And the fact that they were so pretty, themselves, she didn't know how to handle so many pretty women giving her compliments and gushing over her.

It made her heart race.

Jisoo looked at all of them like they had three heads on their shoulders, unable to know how to respond to them.

"I'm Eun-Jung, your makeup artist." The first one with long brown hair introduced.

"This is Boyoung and In Ha, they are your stylists."

In Ha had red hair and was 'actress' pretty and Boyoung looked more mature but she was still beautiful. Her hair was short and black.

Her smile reminded Jisoo of her Aunt Chaeyong's ( Seokmins older sister ) smile. Welcoming and radiant.

"Oh, I can't wait to do your makeup!" Eun-Jung squealed, pulling her to her empty chair.

The movement happened so fast, Jisoo didn't have time to react.

"I see Jisoo-ah is already popular, huh?" Another hair stylist named Jeongha joked, dying Taehyungs hair.

"She's so cute, I could just die." Boyoung said, walking by.

Jisoo wanted to sink down into the floor. She couldn't take all of this attention.

"Jisoo is gonna have more fangirls than the boys," Sejin added, only making them all laugh. "I can just tell."

"Yah, hyung-nim, don't say that." Jimin whined. "We're gonna have to protect her from everyone now."

"Even girls?" Jungkook asked, taking his attention away from his phone.

"Oh, I think both boys and girls are gonna wanna have her all to themselves." Eun-Jung said, starting her make up while In Ha started doing her hair.

"Mark my words, everywhere she goes, people are gonna fall in love."

"Yah, unnie, don't say that~" Jisoo mumbled shyly, wanting to cover her face.

Jisoo didn't believe that would happen. No. It couldn't. Besides, she wasn't considered a visual for the group. That was Jin's role. Or one of many.

And he was immensely more good looking than her.

( little do you know, jisoo...little do you know )

Everyone once again started laughing at her shyness, even the boys laughed.

"My cute baby~" Namjoon cooed, playfully pinching her cheek.

To which, she smiled brightly, melting everyones hearts again.

a u t h o r s n o t e

I thought this was cool also to show you what's coming in Crazy 8

I've noticed that a lot of my readers who had been reading my last two books all of a sudden, disappeared. What's up?

I know I have been going on and off on here ( for very personal reasons ) and one of the reasons is that I get into this hermit state of mind sometimes or 'on and off' depression where I don't want to do anything for weeks and I'm just very very vulnerable at that time.

And being on wattpad ( amongst other things ) actually helps me with it. Which was why I'm getting less and less like this but the feeling is still there. ( I've been battling it since I was 16 ).

But anyways, no need for anyone to feel sad or anything because I'm okay now. I just needed time is all.

Writing is therapeutic for me and is one of the major reasons I have this account.

Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote

Love ya!

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