❃| house of cards ♠️ sneak peek

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Here's the sneak peek of what's to come in House of Cards since it is coming to a finale soon. Enjoy!
don't forget to comment!

"I don't get it. Why did Namjoin send us instead of checking in on him, himself?"

Taehyung and Hoseok drove to Jimin's residence around 2:30 in the afternoon. It has been about 3 weeks since Eunwoo's death and about two more since Jimin nearly killed Namjoon.

He was grieving. He was hurt and Namjoon understood that. Yoongi, not so much.

If it hadn't been for Taehyung, Jimin would have pulled the trigger. Taehyung knew Yoongi was only protecting him out of duty and not out of emotions.

But it worried him that Jimin had not been answering his phone or had not been seen much anywhere. So Namjoon had Taehyung and Hoseok check in on him.

"Because right now, Jimin momentarily hates his guts." Taehyung mumbled as they walked through the empty hallway. Which lead to his penthouse.

The two stopped at his door and Hoseok watched as Taehyung pulled out a key. "What's this?"

"His spare key." He replied, giving it to him. "I had one made in case something like this might happen."

Hoseok was confused as to what he was talking about. "What are you talking about? What do you think would happen?"

"I know Jimin better than anyone in this mafia, Hoseok. . .I know how he operates." Taehyung answered in a low voice. The expression on his face made it known that he was serious.

Too serious for Hoseoks liking.

"I want you to lock the door and leave with the key as soon as I am in there."

"Why the fuck would I do that?" He asked incredulously.

If his thoughts were right, that meant that Jimin might do something to Taehyung. Something deadly.

"Because only I can go in there and try to talk some since in him." Taehyung harshly whispered. "He sees you with me, he's for sure going off the rail. But if I go in there by myself. . . ."

"I'm not letting you do this. Your safety is not guaranteed." Hoseok refused, trying to give him back the keys.

He didn't want to believe that Jimin would hurt his own brother. His own best friend. But he also knew why Taehyung was doing this.

Whatever Hoseok sees, he has to tell Namjoon and if Jimin did something, he would have to face the consequences for hurting a fellow member. Or killing one.

"Listen to what the fuck I'm saying!" Taehyung nearly yelled, but he quickly kept his voice low. "You will lock the door behind me, take the keys and leave. . . . Don't tell Namjoon, don't tell anyone to come. You lock it and you leave."

Hoseok stared at him for a long time. He was serious about this. He was risking himself just to keep Jimin from doing something stupid. There had been stories about Jimins IED but he's never seen it up close.

The only person who has seen it was Taehyung and he came out with a scar on his abdomen.

If Jimin was angry enough to nearly kill Namjoon, who knows if Taehyung leave this building alive.

Because when Jimin sets his anger and sights on someone and something, no one can stop him. Even if it meant killing a fellow brother.

"If you come out injured or otherwise, I will not hesitate to stop Jimin, myself." Hoseok declared sternly, glaring through Taehyungs eyes.

Letting him know he meant everything he said.

Respecting that, Taehyung nodded. That's all he could ask for. But he knew Jimin and he knew that on order to push past this, he would have to either leave hurt or not leave at all.

And he was willing to risk that for him.


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