❃| wisdom teeth removal

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It came that time in most people's age where you would have to get your wisdom teeth out. Jisoo dreaded the fact that she had to get hers removed but they kept bothering her for a while.

Jisoo was scared of very few things and dentists were one of them. No matter how much comfort she got from the boys and Sejin, she was way too scared to even get in the car to go.

After about 2 hours of convincing her with ice cream, they made it to the dentist.

And after hours of operation, it was finally time to take her home. 

"Guardians of Park Jisoo?" The dentist asked, walking in. "She's ready right now, you are free to go."

"Thank you." Namjoon said kindly as the boys and Sejin walked to where she was.



that was the first thing that came out of Jisoo's muffled mouth. When they walked into the room, Jisoo was still on the chair with cotton balls stuffed in her mouth, making her cheeks puffy like a chipmunk.

"Are you jesus?" She asked Namjoon, making everyone laugh. Even the nurse. "You can't be Namjoon, he's not as good looking as you."

Yup, she was definently high on loopy gas.

"Come on, let's get you home." Namjoon chuckled out, helping her up.

"Wait wait. . . . am I married?" She slurred, looking at the promise ring in her finger. "Holy Shit! I'm married!"

Cracking up, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung nearly fell to the floor. Yoongi was too busy filming her while Sejin, Jin and Namjoon carefully ushered her out.

Jisoo landed her eyes on a nearby mirror and gasped loudly.

"Who is she and why is she so pretty?! Am I that pretty?!"

"You're prettier, baby." Jin said, amusingly.


"Why are we moving?! Where are my lips?!"

Most of the car ride had been such a riot. Jisoo was a very talkative high and everything that came out of her mouth was hilarious.

"We're in a car, Jisoo." Yoongi said amongst his laughing.

Jisoo jumped, noticing that he was behind her. "Wow. . . Jack Frost?! Is that you?!"

Nearly everyone burst out in laughter. Yoongi just grinned, face palming himself.

Jisoo swung her head over to Jimin and said. "Daddy look! Prince Eric!"

She kept tapping Namjoons shoulder while gasping at Jimin. "Look, daddy! Am I Ariel?! Can I be- wait, you're not my daddy, you're Jesus!"

"Jisoo, do you know who I am?" Hoseok asked, joining in on the fun.

"Shouldn't you be looking for treasure, Luffy?"

At that, Namjoon couldn't help but laugh super loudly. One Piece was an anime that him and Jisoo like to bond over. Secretly, Jisoo has called Hoseok Moneky D Luffy behind his back.

"Ooooh! I wanna pet the bunny!" Jisoo yelled, pointing at a pet store they drove by. "I wanna pet the bunny!"

"Jisoo, we gotta get you home." Jin reminded her. "You're in no condition to be outside."

"Oh shit! Are you my husband, Luffy?" She asked Hoseok, poking his face.

"Sure, Jisoo."

"Am I in an anime? Why is this anime person here?" This time, she pointed at Taehyung, who chuckled out giddily.

"Wow. . . .did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? because all of y'all are snacks."

"Take a nap, baby."

"Take a nap with me, Jesus." She replied, leaning on Jungkook. "I have sinned."

"What sin have you committed?" Namjoon played along.

"Inpure thoughts." She said slowly. "You remind me of my kookie back home, sir."

Jisoo kept poking Jungkook's arm, gazing up at him. "Wait, you are kookie! That means you're my daddy-"


Jungkook cut her off nervously, hoping no one heard her say that.

Jisoo on loopy gas will forever be one of their favorite moments.

𝙎𝙀𝙀𝙎𝘼𝙒 𝘣𝘵𝘴 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘪𝘪Where stories live. Discover now