❃| lore olympus • 2

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au: greek mythology

part two summary: jisoo wants to leave, krystal plays a cruel prank and needs taehyungs help.

ship: yoonsoo

warning: sexual content, dark humor, crude humor, nut worthy content, strong use of language, and adult content

rated: R


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The party was fun. The people were fun. The music was fun. But why wasn't she having any fun?

She was a free woman tonight. She got a job working with Jin at his company, shes put of college, she was now a full adult. Why wasn't she celebrating?

Jisoo sighed, clutching the red solo cup in her hand that was filled with whatever drink Irene gave her and walked through the dancing crowd.

Irene went to meet up with friends while Jisoo stayed by herself.

She sighed boredly, walking over to an empty booth, sitting on the plush, white couch while she watched the party goers dance and have fun.

She crossed her legs and leaned on her elbow, playing with the rim of the cup. If only her mother knew of this place.

She would have a fit if she knew her precious daughter was at a club.

What was the party for again?

Jisoo tried to have fun but she wasn't in the party mood. She just wanted to go home, if anything.


"Oh her?" Namjoon said after hearing Yoongi mumble and looking over the party like a lost puppy.

"That's Jisoo. She's new, 21 and seriously hot." Hoseok said, looking over her.

Yoongi gave him a menacing glare after seeing him check her out. Now, he was never the possessive type but for some reason, he didn't want anyone looking at her that way.

Hoseok chuckled at his brother and took a drink from his beer.

"Don't worry, Yoongi. She's much too young for my taste."

"She's Jin's new secretary, actually." Namjoon said. "She's a very hard worker and very sweet."

Yoongi hummed, looking over her again. She looked as if she didn't want to be there. The roses in her hair suddenly turned blue as she traced her dainty finger over the rim of her cup.

"But I have to admit." Namjoon suddenly brought him back to reality. "She is very gorgeous."

"Yeah, more beautiful than Krystal."


More beautiful than Krystal

In the middle of the dance floor, a tall and statuesque woman stopped her dancing as soon as words hit her ears.

In her sparkly white dress, she looked around for the source of such insulting words. Who dares find another more beautiful than the goddess of beauty, herself?!

She looked up and saw Namjoon with his two brothers, looking off the the left.

When she followed their sight, she saw whom they were talking about.

That new goddess, Jisoo or whatever.

She knew of her. She knew Chungha, her mother. That helicopter mother.

But seeing her daughter here. Looking so sexy in that rainbow sequin dress, made her mad.

How dare she be more sexy than her?!

How dare her legs look great in those heels?!

With an angry huff, Krystal pulled out her phone and called someone she could always count on. Her son, Taehyung.

"Hello mother dearest! I can't talk right now. I'm in the middle of an orgy and this blonde idiot sucks at sucking."

"Ooooh! Are you wearing that red silk shirt I bought you?"

"You already know, mommy!"

Krystal squealed in delight before remembering why she called.

"I'm getting off topic. I need you to come back to the dance floor now."

"Ugh! Mother, you know it that time of year where I coordinate this sex party! It's my night to host and Lay is too busy eating right now."

"Someone insulted me."

Suddenly, a poof of pink smoke burst into her face as her son suddenly appeared in front of her with a stern face.

"Who dares insult my mommy dear?"

a u t h o r s n o t e

Sorry this is mini. I didn't want you all to forget about this au.

Next part will be longer, I promise.

Dont forget to comment and vote

Love ya!

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