❃| spa day

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"Jisoo, that is the stupidest idea ever and we are not doing it."

It was that time of the year when the maknae line have their yearly 'sleepovers'. During that time, they usually play video games and pig out on junk food. Which was fine and dandy but Jisoo wanted to do something different.

She felt that everyone needed some time to unwind and relax. So she proposed that they substitute video games for a spa day. She even bought everything one would need for it, too.

She thought they would be happy about it but all she was met with was scoffs and ridicule.

Crossing her arms, she gave them a pout. "Well, I'm tired of just video games and other stuff. We do that every year. I think we should do this."

Jungkook chuckled. Taehyung and Jimin following behind. She was not serious. None of them wanted to spend their night doing "makeovers" and "gossiping" and all other girly things.

"Jisoo, we are men and men do not do things like makeovers and painting nails. At least not all the time." Jimin said.

"Now, since we are older than you and you're out voted, you have to do what we say and we want to play video games." Taehyung added.

Jisoo huffed. Arguing wasn't going to make them do what she wanted for once. So she thought of the next best thing.

Jisoo lowered her head and slowly started to cry.

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