❃| birthday cake

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the following passage you are about to read is not for the faint of hearts. This will make you angry, sick and/or ready to fight someone.

⚠️ Reader Discretion is Advised ⚠️


The day started out pretty normal. The group was on a break which meant most of the members would be visiting family while others would still be home, doing not much.

Jisoo had just came back from visiting her parents in Incheon. It was Mina's 4th birthday and she wanted to attend. She didn't want to ever miss a birthday of hers.

Besides, it wes something she needed after the particularly tough time she's been dealing with the past month or so. Being around her family was very therapeutic for her.

So, on the first day back, Jisoo decided to stop by the BigHit building. Just to talk to some staff, greet some trainees and just to generally hang out there. Which she would do all the time now.

"Oh, hey Jisoo!"

Jisoo was immediately greeted by Jin, whom she thought was visiting his brother back at home.

Jisoo smiled and walked over to him. "Hey! You're back early."

"Yeah, I just came back an hour ago." Jin explained. "Jungkook told me that you were here so I thought I'd meet you here, instead. We can go out to eat together."

"Yeah, that sounds fun!" Jisoo agreed.

It has been a while since her and Jin were able to actually do something together without the interference of the others. Back then, the would always go out to eat and just talk.

Lately, they've been too busy for each other so this was a nice opportunity to get back into that habit.

"Miss Park!" A feminine voice yelled from down the hall.

The two paused and saw one of the assistants jog towards them with a pink cake box and an envelope on top of it.

"Hey, Haerin unnie~" Jisoo greeted kindly as the red haired woman stopped in front of them.

Once Haerin caught her breath, she handed Jisoo the cake box.

"This is a gift from a fan." She explained. "He stopped by and told me if it was okay to give this to you."

"Oh!" Jisoo said in surprise. She has received many gifts from fans. But never a cake before. This was nice of that fan. Whoever he was.

Jin looked surprised but he felt uneasy about the whole thing. Maybe he was just being overdramatic but the way his stomach turned when he saw the box didn't sit right with him.

But he pushed that feeling aside. Maybe it was just a nice gesture. He shouldn't be so protective of her. She's not a baby anymore.

"Who's it from?" He asked, curiously.

Haerin shrugged. "I don't know his name. But he did looked to be an older fellow."

𝙎𝙀𝙀𝙎𝘼𝙒 𝘣𝘵𝘴 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘪𝘪Where stories live. Discover now