❃| things jisoo isn't allowed to do

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1. Watch Train to Busan by herself.

- Jin had a hard time getting her to sleep in her own room because of that.

2. Say 'yeehaw'

- its....a long story

3. Have a water bottle with her during award shows

4. Dance to Taemins WANT

5. Dance to Love Shot by EXO

6. Play Mario Kart by herself

7. Try and opening a can of soda by herself

8. Watch Animal Adoption commercials

- she cries every time

9. Drink coffee in the middle of the night

10. Do any trendy dance

11. Use the app Wattpad anymore

-....that's another long story. Namjoon has PTSD because of it.

12. Go on tumblr anymore

13. Watch Gossip Girl anymore

- she would not stop saying xoxo gossip girl for 5 weeks straight

14. Hang out with Jackson

- she learns new American slang from him and it's always the annoying ones

15. Watch teletubbies anymore

- she cried because she pictured Jimin as the baby in the sun

16. Have a pokeball toy

- she nearly knocked out Hoseok when she was playing with one

17. Reach for things on her own

18. Climb on the counter for high places

- poor thing fell one time and cried because she hurt her knee

19. Watch Game Of Thrones anymore

- she kept introducing herself as jisoo stormborn of house park, the queen of the andals and first men, the khaleesi of the great grass sea, the unburned, the breaker of chains, the mother of dragons

Also she cursed out someone in Dothraki and in Valerian.

20. Watch anything that has to do with ARMY thirst tweets.

21. In fact, she's not allowed to even read most of the fandoms Jessica Park tweets because of the uh....nature of them

22. Watch Zombieland by herself.

- she once threw a box of twinkies at Taehyung for no reason

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