❃| gay fan meeting moments • 1

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y'all forgot that Jisoo was gay? ( shes not, just joking )

Let me remind you all real quick.
Honestly, I don't express enough gay here so might as well, huh?

• can I get your number?

There are times where Jisoo will encounter very attractive fans. Girl or boy, if she found them very attractive, she would immediately shut down.

It's compulsory. She can't help it. She's a panic gay/bi/hetero, you name it. Though she does have her confident moments. 

During a fan meeting in Seoul, Jisoo sat in between Yoongi and Namjoon while fans started moving down the line yo get things signed and give th gifts.

Jisoo had no idea that foreign fans had came to the fan meeting and was surprised when she saw a very pretty African American fan girl with pretty braids in her hair move right in front of her.

Jisoo did a double take, not believing she could seen someone so beautiful.

Her fansite must be having a field day with the amount of pictures they were taking of her awestruck face.

"Hi, I'm a big fan of yours" the fan said very shy and also excited.

"T-Thank you." Jisoo thanked, giggling as she signed her autograph book. "What's your name?"

"My name is Celestine." Celestine introduced to her before presenting a rose flower crown to her.

"I made this for you, Jisoo. I hope you like it."

Jisoo's heart beat super fast as her cheeks became pink. Even her smile was beautiful! She didn't know how to handle this!

"Wahh, thank you so much!" Jisoo said happily, taking the crown and placing it on her head. "So pretty~"

"Just like you." Celestine flirted a little. Which almost caught her off guard.

Jisoo winked at her before she had to keep moving. "I'm going to remember a face like yours if I see you again, Celestine."

The fan covered her smile with her hand, surprised that her bias flirted back with her.

"Will I see you again?" Jisoo asked, grabbing her hand and lacing her fingers with hers. "I hope I do."

"Hahaha!" Celestine laughed. "Yes, you will."

Jisoo smiled before she moved onto the next. "Good!"

• who wants to be my wife?

"Does everyone think that Jisoo should get married someday?" Jin asked in his mic.

Jisoo stopped playing with her pokemon plushie and looked right at him as the fans all screamed a mixture of yes and no.

"I heard no from some of you." Jin laughed out. "You don't think she should have a husband someday?"

"I thought I was." Taehyung suddenly said in his mic.

"Well, me and Jisoo practically have a child so...." Yoongi chimed in.

Jisoo laughed while everyone was talking. Then she suddenly had an idea.

"I think I don't need a husband." She said in her mic. "Who wants to be my wife?"

That alone caused an uproar of fangirls screaming very loudly. Jisoo had a habit of flirting with fangirls during meetings. So it wasn't anything new to the boys.

"Your gay is showing." Jimim joked, causing everyone to laugh.

Jisoo nearly fell on the floor, laughing too hard. She wasn't able to speak because she was laughing way too hard.

"I think you broke her." Jungkook laughed out.

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