❃| soft hours with moon : yoonsoo

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Hello and welcome back to another episode of Soft Hours with Moon. I am your host, Moon and tonight's episode will be like a back story.

It involves a little critter named Diddy Kong and his parents.

Get ready for sweet moments and softness ahead.



title: first adoption

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title: first adoption

Ship: yoonsoo

Song reference: stuck on you by meiko


Jisoos birthday was coming up and it was a sad one. She was turning 16 but she had been crying nonstop for the past couple of days.

Her bunny, whomel she named Honey because of her honey colored fur, had tragically died. She lived with her parents and her mom told her the sad new three days before her birthday.

She loved that bunny so much that she wanted to take her with her when she became a trainee but she couldn't at the time.

Honey had been in the family for years and she lived a long life. After some time, she got really sick and old. She knew this day would come but that did not mean she wanted it to happen.

Some might tell her that she's overreacting but Honey was her child, so to speak. She loved her. Anyone would react the same way if they had a pet they considered family.

It was the morning of her birthday and Jisoo was the only one still in bed.

The boys all decided to do something special for that day, since they were granted a 4 day vacation.

Jin even cooked her favorite breakfast.

"Where's Jisoo?" He asked, turning away from his cooking.

He was making Japanese style fluffy pancakes. A recipe he got from Jisoo's mom a month back. He wanted her 16th birthday to be special since her parents will be in Japan visiting her sick aunt for another week.

"She's been crying all night." Taehyung mumbled, sitting at the table. "I think she's still in bed."

"She's been crying?" Namjoon asked, suddenly worried.

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