❃| airport fear

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BTS was in the middle of a stadium tour this coming summer. Which meant lots of airports for them. Which also meant Jisoos irrational fear would come into display.

Given that most traumatic events happened in either an airport or where there was a mass of people around, Jisoo developed PTSD.

It wasn't high enough to be deemed too severe but it was pretty high. There were times where Jisoo couldn't get out of the car because she almost had a panic attack.

But now that Bighit hired her a personal bodyguard, she felt a little safer with him. Sejin couldn't be with her all the time.

Neither can the boys. So, she had her Mori with her.

The closer the car got to the entrance, the more her breath quickened. The flashing lights from reporters and paparazzi, the cheering voices from fans, the big crowd. It all made her nervous.

She didn't realize that her hand was shaking violently until one of the boys pointed it out.

"Jisoo, you're shaking." Hoseok pointed out, worried. It wasn't just her hands, it was her arms and knee.

Jisoo looked at him before noticing. She was, indeed, shaking. No, she couldn't be having a panic attack. Not now.

"I-I'm fine, oppa." She reassured. "Really."

"Try breathing, okay?" Namjoon instructed calmly. "Its going to be okay."

She took deep breaths, just as he said. They seemed to help her a little. She wasn't shaking as much as she had before. But all of that started up when the car stopped and Sejin opened the door.

As each member exited, Jisoo heard her own heart beat fast. She had to do this. She needed to not let the rest down. She couldn't be scared of airports forever. She had millions of fans to think about.

"Miss Park." A voice echoed.

She couldn't hear anything else as it seemed like everyone was waiting for her to exit. She finally noticed the tears streaming her face. She really was having a panic attack.

Not now! Please not now!

The more she felt guilty for what was going on, the more she started to panic. The more she panicked, the more her vision blurred.

"Miss Park." Mori called again, climbing into the car and closing it. Signaling them to wait.

He was well in formed of her phobias. And he knew what to do in these situations. It wasn't the first time a client of his had a panic attack. But it hurt him to see someone like her ho through this over a traumatic experience.

"Miss Park, listen to my voice." He instructed gently.

"Let me go, I need to see her."

Mori could hear Jin arguing with the managers, who stopped him from entering back in the car. He could only thank God that they decided to park in a secluded area of the airport.

Otherwise, Dispatch would have a field day.

"Deep breaths, Miss Park. . . . Like we talked about. . . . Come on, with me."

Jisoo slowly took deep breaths as her hands covered her ears. Flashes of Incheon and the moment she was almost kidnapped replayed in her head. The fans cheering so loudly beforehand. The cameras. The screams. It all came back to her.

"Focus on the waves." He said calmly. "Rememeber the ocean waves you talked to me about? Focus on that."

Closing her eyes, she tried to do as she was told but everything was happening so fast.

Sounds were coming at her so quickly. It was hard for her to do that.

"Come on, tiny monster, you're tougher than that." He encouraged, gently holding her hands. "Focus on the waves. Focus on the ocean."

The more he said it, the easier it was to picture the beach. The ocean and the sun. Something that slowly started to calm her down.

"That's it, honey. . . .you're safe with me. . . . I promise you, I will never let anything happen to you."

Feeling like her heart calmed down enough, Jisoo quickly circled her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

Mori was once told that she felt safest when she hugged someone. Whoever it was that was around her at the time, she would hug them to feel safe.

Judging by the way she tightly hugged him and was not gonna let go just yet, she felt very safe.

Slowly, Mori hugged her back. If that was enough to calm her down, so be it.

"I'm with you the entire time, honey." He promised, rubbing her back a little. "Hold on to me when we walk in, okay? No one is going to hurt you or the boys. I promise."

He felt Jisoo nod vigorously in his shoulder before pulling back.

"C-Can I hold y-your h-h-hand?" She stuttered out, wiping her tears.

"Yes, you can." Mori granted. "If it makes you feel better, turn off your hearing aids and only focus on me, okay?"

Jisoo nodded, shakingly turning off her hearing aids.

Mori knocked on the window, signalling them to open it. "Focus on me," he said before climbing out.

Jisoo slowly climbed out the car, being greeted by the rest of the group. Who all gave her hugs and asked if she needed anything.

Jisoo just nodded to all of their questions as a response. Not able to speak at the moment.

Quickly walking over to Mori, she slipped her tiny hand into his giant one and stayed close. Her other hand intertwined in Jins hand.

Mori kept his promise to her and stayed with her until she felt safe.

And she couldn't have felt more safer with him in that moment.

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