❃| annoyed

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I don't express enough namsoo so here you go.
warning: not for soft stans, hard stans only. and if you are still a soft stan reading this, proceed with caution. reader discretion is advised.
don't forget to comment and vote

Namjoon rarely gets annoyed. He can get sarcastic but never outright annoyed. Due to the fact that he was a mostly chill and collected young man. But Jisoo was working on his nerves that day. Which was a surprise to anyone. Because Namjoon doesn't get annoyed with Jisoo. She's too cute. But she does have fun pushing buttons from time to time. And today, she was feeling very playful.

Namjoon hadn't got much sleep the night before so he was feeling a bit peeved by everything. Though, he tried not to show it because it would be incredibly rude to do so.

Good thing they had a whole 2 months hiatus. He could work on some music, catch up on sleep and just enjoy his time of relaxation.

Now, each of the members were doing something different with their time. Yoongi was in his studio, as usual. Hoseok was visiting family and so were some of the other members. Jisoo was going on a trip to Hawaii with her friends for two weeks soon so she was busy getting ready for that.

"Namjoon, look at my hair." Jisoo said, plopping down next to him on his couch.

Namjoon barely paid attention to her as he scrolled on his phone. Jisoo pouted a little before slowly smirking. She started flipping her hair too hard. The strands of her black hair started hitting him on his cheek. Namjoon tried his best to ignore it as he kept his attention to his phone.

"Look at my hair," Jisoo teased, tossing her hair again. Hitting him with it again.

The more she did it, the more he was increasingly getting annoyed. Namjoon sighed before looking back to his phone.
"Stop Jisoo." He mumbled, waving her off. But she ignored him and kept flipping her hair. "What? I'm not doing anything." She said innocently.

"Stop it." He said more sternly but yet again, she kept on doing it.

"What? I'm just showing you my haiiiirrr~"

Suddenly, she felt a hand full of her hair being gripped and tugged. She gasped as she felt her head being yanked gently back. It didn't hurt but he still had a good on her hair.

"What did I say?" Namjoon said, his lips super close to her ear. "Didn't I tell you to stop?"

Jisoo's mouth gaped as he tugged her hair again, noticing that she didn't answer him. "Jisoo, what did I say?"

"I uh. . .i  . .um." Jisoo stuttered out as he pulled her closer to him by her hair.

Namjoon smirked a little, seeing as he had her in his control. "I said stop that, didn't I?"

"Y-Yeah. . ."

"Yes, what ?" He prodded on, tugging again.

Jisoo gasped softly. "Yes, oppa."

"Now stop, before you start something you can't finish." He whispered once again before letting her go. "You play too much sometimes, Jisoo."

Jisoo straightened her back as she moved her hair to the side. That. . . .was fun for her. Why? She didn't know but Namjoon got ten times attractive to her after that. She liked that side of him. She was tempted to do it again. Look8g back at him, she saw how was focused on his phone again. With a slow and mischievous smile gracing her lips, she flipped her hair one more time, hitting him in the face again.

Namjoon paused and stared at her as if he was completely done with her. Jisoo giggled girlishly, quickly running away from him and out of his studio. Namjoon quickly got up and ran after her.

"Get back here!" He yelled, running after her.

— a u t h o r s n o t e

the rest is up for interpretation. have fun 😉

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