❃| comforting feelings

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WARINING: might cause tears. readers discretion is advised.


When life lets you take two steps forward, something always makes you take three steps back.

Everything seems to happen so quickly everytime stuff like this occur.

And Jisoo wishes she could forget.

Shw wishes she could forget the cake, the pictures, the face of a man that tried to harm her. The trauma and the cold reality of how this man could have easily harmed anyone from her family.

And that was almost 4 years ago.

Jisoo wishes that there weren't bad people in this world. But she knew it could never be that way.

And because of that, here she was. Back in Korea, all alone with the company of Yeontan, Yubin and Oreo.

Sitting on the couch, not watching TV. Letting everything become silent.

She hadn't stopped crying since.
She kept denying that she had a disorder but she was slapped with reality just now.

She thought she didn't completely get over what happened to her those years ago. She did but they came back to haunt her. And she sadly let them win.

Looking at her phone for the first time in three days, she saw that she had a lot of missed calls from different people.

King Jin : 34 missed calls
President Namjoon : 56 missed calls
TATA : 45 missed calls
Kookie Monster: 30 missed calls
Yoongles: 33 missed calls
Mochi : 23 missed calls
Hobi : 35 missed calls

She even had some from different friends.

Jennie from the block : 12 missed calls
Moonsie : 23 missed calls
Jae : 17 missed calls
Holland : 33 missed calls
Ilhoonie : 45 missed calls
Hyuna : 10 missed calls
Thai Prince : 21 missed calls
Danny Kang : 12 missed calls

The list went on. They all left a voice mail until it filled capacity. She didn't want to have people listen to her cry. She didn't want anyone to feel like they had to check on her.

She wasn't gonna do anything dramatic. She just wanted to be left alone.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Which made her jump and shake. Who could it be? Was it him? The guy that attacked her?

She didn't risk anything as she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find, which was a steel bat ( Yoongi's old bat ) and quietly crept up to the door.

She was not about to let some weirdo attack her in her own home. She refused to let that happen.

As she let the knocking continue, she quietly looked through the peephole of the door. Making sure she didn't make a sound.

Much to her relief, it was Yongguk. Who was supposed to be in Europe right now on his last stop. What was he doing here?

Nevertheless, she sighed out of relief and began unlocking the door.

As soon as she swung it open, she threw her arms around him, crying into his chest as he held her closer.

When he heard about what happened to her on Twitter and on TV, he was in Euroupe, finishing his tour. After his last concert, one of his friends came into his hotel room and quickly told him about it.

Already packed, Yongguk raced to the airport and got on the first plane to Seoul. He was not going to let his girlfriend be alone during something like this.

He refused to let her be alone.

Not even giving his manager time, he quickly drove over to where the group lived and practically ran to her the rest of the way.

Yongguk felt angry that he wasn't there to protect her. And he was angry at the mam who attacked her.

But he was gonna be there for her. And he didn't care whatever schedule he had.


"It all happened so quick."

Yongguk and Jisoo laid on her bed. He held her as she rested her head in his chest.

". . . When he grabbed me, I thought the worst." She mumbled, tracing the line of his tattoo through his shirt.

"I thought about when I was 18. . . . When that guy sent me pictures of himself."

"I'm not gonna let anything happened to you." Yongguk promised. "When I first heard about it, all I though was I gotta get to her. . . I gotta keep her safe. "

Jisoo stayed quiet. Letting silence fall on them. There were no sounds of anything. Only their breathing. And only his heart beating.

Jisoo was grateful of Yongguk. She was happy that he was there. She felt less alone. Less scared of her own shadow.

"Thank you." She mumbled sleepily, feeling ever eyes get heavier.

Yongguk looked down at her as she fell asleep on him. Judging by her dark rings under her eyes, she hasn't n the three days she's been home.

Placing a kiss on her head, he pulled her closer and encircled her in his arms as she slept on top of him.

"I will always be there for you, baby. . . . Always."

a u t h o r s n o t e

Whew! Not gonna lie, this rugged at my heart strings.

Not much of a tear jerker chapter but I do have emotional readers and so that's why I put that warning above. Just incase.

Don't forget to comment and vote

Next chapter will be light hearted, i promise.

Love ya!

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