❃| under the sheets

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I can explain the title...

" I was about 11 when it happened."

The day was sunny. Summer was coming, meaning heat was rising in Seoul.

It was a lazy day for Jisoo and Jhope. The others took the time out of the long break to either visit family or friends or even travel somewhere.

So that meant Hoseok and Jisoo had the place to themselves for a while.

So what did they decided to do? Lay under Jisoos bed sheets in her room, while softly talking to each other.

Hoseok laid on his side as she laid on her front, looking at him.

He had asked her a rather interesting question. He asked about her crush on him and wanted to know all about it. She has told him before that she used to have a crush on him, so she didn't see the problem with telling him all about it.

"....I remember....walking to the dance room and hearing a group of people just clapping and cheering for some reason." She mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"...I was curious as to what was going on so I curious and hid behind the entrance to watch."

Hoseok softly gazed at her features as she spoke. Her voice so soft and airy. Her face voided from any type of makeup. Her hair all around her and over the black t shirt she was wearing ( that was his ) and yoga shorts.

She was in her natural state. And he liked that.

The only light they had was the sunshine that seeped through the white sheet they were laying under.

She looked beautiful.

"And I saw you..." she said, looking down with a soft smile. Remembering how she felt that day.

"And the only thing that was going through my mind at the time was....'I really want to know who he is'....I didn't care how old I was...all I knew was that I really liked you."

Hoseok stares at her for a second. It was interesting to know that she had harbored these feelings for so long. He wondered when did it all stop. When did she grow out of him?

"Liked?" He asked chuckling deeply. "When did you fall out of love for me?"

Jisoo giggled with him for a moment before speaking again. "I don't know if it was love but I knew I liked you a lot."

"So....you would say that a little bit of those feelings are still there?"

Jisoos eyes flickered downwards, thinking. She hadn't thought about that. She didn't have time to think about that, actually.

It wouldn't be so bad of she did hold onto a tiny bit of those feelings from years ago. But when did it all end? She couldn't remember.

"....I don't know..."

Hoseok moved his hand onto her face, brushing her hair out of her face gently. Jisoo sighed inaudibly, content by the simple gesture. His hand remained on her cheek as they just stared at each other.

In comfortable silence.

"....would it be so wrong if you did?" He asked, cutting the silence short.

Jisoo shrugged a little, tracing lines into her pillow. "No....just not convenient."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm starting to wonder if I still do." She confessed. "It's selfish of me to say that."

"No, it's not." Hoseok mumbled back. "Feeling happen. You can't control that."


Hoseok began to wonder what it would be like to be with Jisoo. Or someone like her. But that thought was ridiculous because there was no one like her. Jisoo was special to him and the guys.

She was like his wife/best friend/ therapist/love all in one. It was impossible to not feel anything for her after getting to know her.

Girl or boy, everyone felt something for her.

He sure as hell did.

He just didn't know what it was. Hoseok moved his thumb over her lips, gently and slowly caressing her bottom lip as she closed her eyes, basking in their own moment.

"You're beautiful..." he whispered. "So beautiful...."

Jisoo reopened her eyes slowly, staring into his brown eyes with an unreadable look. She didn't realize how close their faces were until she flicked her eyes to their bodies.

His lips could kiss her now. But would she want to stop him?

Hoseok felt himself lean closer to her face. So close, their lips grazed together.

As if time stopped, his lips touched hers in what seemed like a small kiss.

He pushed his lips a bit more onto hers as she kissed back lazily.

When he pulled back, his forehead rested on hers. Eyes closed, nothing needed to be said.

The two stayed like that. His hand on her cheek, her forehead on his, tangled in the white sheets together.

It was a serene atmosphere.

One that she would hold as a secret forever. Him? He may joke about it but he would never tell a soul.

What goes on in here, stays with them.

a u t h o r s n o t e

this could've been a Soft Hours episode but oh well. I might edit it to be one.


Don't worry, House of Cards will be coming soon.  The chapter I'm writing for it is too long so I'm splitting it into threes.

Don't forget to comment and vote

Love ya!

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