❃| time adventures • 1

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au : time traveling

part one of seven summary : jisoo has to go back in time to convince 7 boys to not give up on their dreams before it's too late

ship: none . . . maybe


" I really hope I beamed myself to the right place this time."

Jisoo, 30 years old, married and expecting was from the far future. Where time travel became a thing.

Cool, right? Not always.

Before, it was Russian roulette. No one knew where they would be going. But after two more years of advance technology, they finally created a time watch where people can pick which time period they wanted to go.

Unfortunately, destinations were wonky still.

Which brings us to Jisoo's mission. In the future, there were. . . . Complications within the group.

With age, everyone felt like they've out grown the group. Everyone wanted to do their own thing. Which isn't bad at all.

What was bad was that, something or someone in their past changed the decisions that they made that lead them into being BTS. And because of that, each boy started fading.

Memories of the group started fading, merch and other items started disappearing and no one remembered BTS. Not even the members themselves.

Jisoo, Mr. Bang and some other BigHit staff members were the only ones who remembered them. They figured that if they go back in time to fix it, everything would be okay.

If anyone were to go back, it should be Jisoo.

And that's where we are now.

The year was 2010. Okay, right date. Jisoo looked behind her and saw the old design of the Bighit building. The nostalgia was very real.

"Long time, no see. . ." She whispered, smiling softly before quickly running into the entrance.


"Okay, seriously, how hard is it to find a behemoth?" She mumbled, walking through the halls. Around this time, RM was in the beginning stages of his trainee life.

Most likely debating on being in a group or staying solo.

Which meant that Yoongi was already a trainee. She could be wrong.

"I don't remember this building being this bi-"


Suddenly, a door to a recording studio swung open and almost smacked her on the nose. Yelping, Jisoo pushed the door before it could hit her in the face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, miss." A familiar voice apologized to her.

Jisoo looked up and saw young and 17 year old Kim Namjoon standing there, looking down at her.

𝙎𝙀𝙀𝙎𝘼𝙒 𝘣𝘵𝘴 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘪𝘪Where stories live. Discover now