🐥 Chapter 3 🐬

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For Jisung, when he's in school, time moves very slow for him. He doesnt find his teachers entertaining, neither of his classmates.

"Okay, don't forget to pass your homeworks tomorrow! Class dismissed!" the teacher announced.

Jisung quickly stood up and collected his things. He was about to leave when the teacher called him.

"Mr. Park?" Jisung looked back. "Yes Sir?"

"Your mom assigned you an special task.." His eyebrows raised. "What is it?" "An exchange student would arrive here tomorrow.. It's your duty to assist him for a week.."

Jisung sighed. "Okay, but dont expect me to entertain the student the whole week.." He bowed to the teacher and left the room.

Chenle arrived at the LAX Airport earlier than expected. He was so fascinated by everything. He took out his phone to take photos.

"Wow! This is so amazing!" he smiled.

After checking out his baggage, he immediately went out from the airport, only to find a limousine waiting for him.

The driver welcomed him. "Mr. Kim Chenle?" He was shocked. "Ye-Yes, Sir?" The driver laughed. "Please, just call me Lucas.."

Chenle smiled shyly. "Okay, Lucas.."

"I'm gonna get your baggage, please hop in.." Lucas collected his suitcase and stuffs while he entered the limo.

"Woah! This is so amazing!" he exclaimed.

Lucas smiles at him. He finds him cute and innocent. Like a little child.

"Shall we go, Chenle?" The smaller boy nods happily.

They arrived at the school in no time. Lucas dropped him off to the entrance.

"Hope you'll gain a good experience in here.."

"Thank you Lucas!"

He entered the school premises to inquire. Good thing Chenle is really fluent at English. He went straight to the registrar.

"Hello Mr. Chenle and welcome to Empire High's branch here in US.."

"Th-this is Em-Empire High?" he asked nervously.

"Yes, Mr. Chenle.. You're very lucky to be sponsored by Empire High.. Here are the details for your one week class and the dorm.."

The lady handed him tons of paperwork to be filled up. "Please pass this on your first day tomorrow.."

"Okay!" Chenle smiled cheerfully. "A student will assist you tomorrow.. Please head straight to the parking lot, a staff would give you a ride to your dorm.."

Chenle gathered his things and went outside the school, going straight to the parking lot.

He waited patiently for the staff that supposed to be fetching him towards the dorm.

Hours had passed, it's getting dark, but the staff hasnt arrive yet. Chenle couldnt do anything. He was starving, his phone ran out of battery, the school had closed.

"Maybe its the bad luck.." he thought.

He sat on the corner at the ground. He starts to sob lightly, getting scared already, hugging his knees.

Jisung came from the restaurant to eat some dinner. While he was driving back home, he decided to take the way where he would pass by the school.

While he was driving through, he noticed a figure at the corner of the parking lot, slumped on the floor. He decided to checked it.

He parked his car and went out. As he was walking near the figure who was slouched, he heard small sniffles.

"It was a boy..." he thought. He decided to tap the crying boy. "Hey.. Are you alright?"

The boy is quiet startled but looked up to him.

The face of the boy makes Jisung's heart beat faster. "Shit.. He's pretty and cute..." he thought to himself.

Chenle's teary eyes, red and puffy cheeks, cute button nose makes Jisung want to give the world to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" The taller asked. Chenle sniffles cutely before answering. "I'm an exchange student who arrived here today.. A staff is supposed to fetch me but no one showed.."

"You're the exchange student? I was supposed to give you a tour tomorrow.. My name is Jisung Park..." Jisung smiled, offering his hand.

Chenle's face lightened up as he grab the taller's hand. "I'm Kim Chenle.." he replied sweetly.

Jisung wants to combust on the spot, due to the cuteness of the boy. Their height difference is also cute, Chenle could plant his face on Jisung's chest.

"So, you have no place to stay for the night?" Chenle nods worriedly.

"Don't worry, Chenle.. You can stay at my house for the night... If it's okay with you?"

Chenle's face brightened up as he quickly hugged the taller. Jisung didnt know what to do as his face turns into a blushing mess.

"Thank you, Jisung.." Chenle muttered on his chest.

The smaller realized that he hugged Jisung out of his happiness, so he quickly pulled away, hiding his embarrassed face.

"Sorry for hugging you.." Chenle looked down.

Jisung smiled. "It's okay, don't worry.. Really, it's my first time to be hugged by other people, and it feels good.." he said shyly.

Chenle looked up to him and smiled. "Then, it's settled. If you need a hug, I can give it to you anytime.."

Jisung turns into a blushing mess again. "Su-Sure..." he replied awkwardly while scratching his neck. "Let's go?"

"Okay!" Chenle smiles happily while walking with him towards his car.

As for Jisung, he couldnt explain what he was feeling right now. It's been a long time since he felt this. Being loved. He looks into Chenle again and smiled sweetly.

Thank you for reading! 🐥❤️🐬

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