🐥 Chapter 71 🐬

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Everyone is writing their votes on a small sheet of paper that will be put inside a metal box on the front. Yeri is on full smiles, assuming that she will win because she has the 30% of shares at the company.

While Jisung and Taeyong only has 20% shares combined. The other 50% shares is scattered around the globe with different shareholders, so Yeri didn't bother to check on that.

What she didn't expect is that is her biggest mistake.

The door of the conference room suddenly opened and Yoona entered inside gracefully. She took a seat beside Jisung and winked. The staff approached her.

"What brings you here, Mrs. Zhong?" the staff asked. Yoona smiled at her. "Of course, I'm here to vote as well.." Yeri overheard it and joins their conversation.

"Oh hello, Mrs. Zhong.. Do you also have shares at the company?" Yoona looks at her with a glare. "Yes, recently I bought some shares at this company.."

Yeri smiled, thinking that she can take Yoona on her side. "Oh, I see.. If that's the case, what you need to vote is-"

Yoona cuts her off. "I appreciate your suggestion but I already decided.." making Yeri annoyed. She quickly puts her vote on the box and took her seat.

The staff checked on the system on how much shares did Yoona bought to validate. After the results came out, the staff's eyes widened and whispered to the other staff as well.

After a few minutes, the staffs are already finished counting the votes and will now announce the results. Everyone can feel the tension in the air.

A staff stood in front of them. "I will announce the result of the voting.." Everyone on Jisung and Taeyong's side are all tensed up.

"The result of the voting shows that majority still wants Mr. Park to be the chairman.."

Jisung and Taeyong stood up and hugged each other while jumping. "Hyung! We did it!" Jisung smiled.

"No! It can't be!" Yeri yelled. "I have the 30% of the shares of the company, and it includes the shareholders of it! How is this happening??!!"

The staff grabs the mic and addresses Yeri's concern. "Uhmm.. Mrs. Park? Mrs. Zhong here has the 50% of shares around the world, having her also the right to become the acting CEO as of the moment.."

Yeri was shocked. She looked at Yoona who was smiling at her. "Why Mrs. Zhong? Why did you chose them over me?" Yoona walks up to her. "I couldn't see why not, Mrs. Park.." she replied calmly.

Yoona bowed down in front and spoke to the audience. "Good Morning.. Even though I have the 50% of the shares at the company, I want it to be still Mr. Park as the chairman.. He will still retain his position at the company.."

Everyone clapped their hands. "And as for the other board members who joined Yeri on her opposition move, be aware that Mr. Park will know about this too.." Yoona added. Those board members are now shaking in fear.

"Meeting adjourned!" she smiled.

Everyone went outside from the meeting room, chatting happily. Jisung and Taeyong are all smiles to each other, happy that they succeed. "Jisungie!"

Chenle is smiling widely, running up to him. He jumped up as Jisung opens his arms wide, to catch his boyfriend. The taller hugs him really tight while carrying him.

"Congratulations, Jisungie!" he kisses Jisung's whole face, making the taller laugh. "Thanks to your mother, we've won this.." Chenle leaped down and intertwined their hands. "Let's celebrate, Jisungie!"

Yeri approached them and grabs Chenle's wrist, making the smaller yelp in pain. "You! Its all your fault! Did you spoke to Yoona Zhong to help Jisung?" Jisung grabs Chenle back and hides the smaller behind him.

"What are you doing, Mom?!" Jisung yelled. Fortunately, Yoona saw it all. How Yeri dragged her son. She was fuming with anger and walks to Yeri, slapping her left and right cheek.

Yeri is shocked. She looks at Yoona while rubbing his cheeks, feeling the sting of the slaps. "How dare you touch my son, Mrs. Park? If you lay your hand again, or even your finger to Chenle, I promise that I will destroy you.." her eyes are now glaring with anger, making Yeri scared.

"Chenle is your son?" she asked, still can't believe. Yoona ignored her and looks for her son, who was now at Jisung's arms. "Are you okay, hon?" she asked.

Chenle nods. "I'm okay, Mom.." Yoona smiled at kissed his forehead.

Taeyong runs to them with a big smile on his face. "Good news everyone! Father is now awake!" making everyone cheered out of happiness.

Except Yeri of course, she was now really scared on what will Mr. Park do if he knows what she did.

Thank you for reading! 🐥❤️🐬

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