🐥 Chapter 42 🐬

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It was almost midnight and Taeyong is still in the office. He still needs to finish tons of office work that his father asked him to do.

"I'm too tired of this.." he whined, while looking at the pile of folders on his desk. He took out his phone and checked the time.

"I need to go home already.." After arranging his things, he stood up and was about to leave the office. He opened the door and saw a basket of flowers at the floor.

He picked it up and opened the little envelope. His face blushes after he read the message inside.

"Please take care always of yourself.. And always put that captivating smile of yours.. I like it ♡♡♡                                             Love, J"

"Is this a prank?" he thought. But honestly, he liked it. Plus, it was pink roses. His favorite flower. He starts to walk towards the elevator, while carrying the basket with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, a tall male is watching him with also a smile on his face, hiding at the end of the corridor.

Jisung and Chenle are walking happily along the morning street, inhaling the fresh morning air.

Jisung's arm is wrapped on the smaller's waist, ensuring that no one will harm his boyfriend while they were walking.

Chenle looks up to his face and smiled. "Thank you very much, Jisungie.." Jisung looks at him.

"For what, love?" "For always being there for me.."

The taller smiled and pecks his lips. "Love, I will be by your side forever.."

Chenle had stopped walking and tip toed to kiss his boyfriend back. "You're so cheesy, Jisungie.."

"That's why you love me, Lele.."

Chenle laughs cutely before proceeding to walk again, hand in hand.

After reaching the school grounds, Chenle saw Mrs. Yoona Zhong running towards him, with her arms open wide.

"Sweet pea!" she yelled before engulfing the boy in a warm hug. "I missed you.. Are you feeling better already?"

The smaller nods happily. "Yes, Mrs. Zhong.. Thank you for everything that you've done"

"Dont mind them, sweet pea.. I really missed you and felt relieved that you are alright.." Yoona smiled.

She pulled away from the hug and looks at Jisung. "Thank you for being a responsible boyfriend to sweet pea.."

Jisung is blushing. He was not used to be complimented as well. "Thank you, Mrs. Zhong.. Anything for him.."

The bell rang loudly, signalling that the classroom booths will be opened again.

"We need to prepare, love.." Jisung whispered to Chenle.

Chenle nods and intertwined their hands. "We need to go, Mrs. Zhong.. See you later.."

The two walked to their classroom happily, while their intertwined hands sways on the middle.

Yoona watches them while they are walking, with a smile on her face, of course.

She whispered a little prayer to herself, "God.. Will you allow me to meet my Chenle again?"

Oh, how fate wants to meddle with them, not knowing that 'sweet pea' is Chenle whom he missed.

Somewhere in Seoul, in a hidden restaurant that only VIP knew..

Yeri is seated at the edge of the table, facing some men in suits. "I think you already know why I gathered you.."

The men looked at each other and looked back to her.

"Is it time already?" one of the men asked.

Yeri smiled like a madwoman. "Plan: Taking Over Park Empire.. starts now.." she smirked before sipping on her vodka.

Thank you for reading! 🐥❤️🐬

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