🐥 Chapter 30 🐬

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"Here's how the company's performance for the past month.." Taeyong is now presenting in front of the shareholders of Park Empire.

At the middle of explaining about the new revenues and incomes that they acquired, Jaehyun's face suddenly pops on his mind, winking.

"The total income for this month is.. sunshine.." he blurted out accidentally in front, which made the shareholders looks at him at the same time.

"Sunshine?" one of the shareholders asked.

His eyes widened and quickly made up an excuse. "I mean.. the sunshine is really great today.."

All of the shareholders nods at the same time and goes back in listening to him.

He released a deep breath and starts to present again. After the presentation, all the shareholders left and he quickly took a seat to compose himself.

"Why did his face suddenly popped up on my mind?" he thought, blush visible on his face. "That jerk..." he whispered.

The next day, Jisung and Chenle walks into the corridor, hand in hand. The smaller made an sumptous lunchbox again for them to eat.

He also made lunchboxes for Mark and Jeno as well. He prepared some delicious rice rolls for Jaemin and Renjun.

"I hope they would like it.." he muttered softly. Jisung squeezes his hand and smiles at him. "Dont worry, love.. I know that they're gonna like it.."

Chenle looks up to him and grins. "You always know how to make me happy.."

"Of course, Snow White.." Jisung winks, earning a smack from his small boyfriend.

Opening the door of the cafeteria, a deserted place can be seen. No single student are inside. It's like a ghost town.

"Where's everybody?" Chenle asked.

"I really want to answer that question, but me too, is really curious right now.." Jisung replied.

"Jisung! Chenle!" Jeno is running towards their direction while shouting their names.

"We've been looking for you for ages!" Jeno stops in front of them, still catching his breath.

"Where's everybody?" Chenle asked.

"Seriously? You didnt know?" Jeno replied. "Both of you started this trend, yet you dont know what's happening?"

They both look at each other.

"Started what? Trend?!" the smaller scratches his head.

Jeno grabs both of their arms and drags them out. "You'll see.."

Chenle couldnt believe what was happening. "Woah! How did this happen?"

All students are now taking their lunches on the school garden. They also set up some mats where they can sit and eat under the shade of big trees.

"Look at the sign over there.." Jeno pointing out the signage at the entrance arc of the garden.

"Welcome to ChenSung's Park.."

They both blushed after seeing the signage. Jeno notices it and starts to smirk.

"Well.. Let's go now!" Jeno drags them again.

Jeno and Mark are now eating the food Chenle made for them.

"This is so delicious, Chenle.." Jeno smiles at him.

"Jisung is so lucky for having you, Chenle.." Mark looks at him fondly.

"I felt relieved as of now.." the smaller released a deep breath.

Jisung snakes his arm on Chenle's waist while whispering. "I told you.."

Chenle looks at him and leans closer, leaving several kisses on his face.

Renjun, on the other hand, is very picky when it comes to food. He opened the lunchbox and grabs some rice rolls and popped it on his mouth.

After swallowing it all, he looks at Chenle. "I really dont wanna say this, Chenle, but I think you're a great cook.."

Chenle hides his face on his hands. "Thank you, Renjun.. It means a lot, coming from you.."

Jaemin looks at them, smiling althroughout the time when they're talking.

"By the way, first game of championships are tomorrow.. Please watch us!" Mark announced.

Jisung pinches Chenle's waist to get his attention, Chenle looks at him quickly.

"Will you be there tomorrow?" he asked.

The smaller smiled. "Of course, I need to support my handsome boyfriend.."

Jisung hugs him really tight, never wants to pull away. Chenle hugged back, loving the warmth Jisung provides.

Thank you for reading! 🐥❤️🐬

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