🐥 Chapter 63 🐬

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"Jisung, calm down.." the smaller pleaded, while Jisung walks around, mumbling, still worried about his father. "My father is in the hospital.." he said repeatedly.

Chenle stood up and walks to him, hugs him and pecks his cheek. Somehow, Jisung relaxed and looks at Chenle. "I'm sorry, Lele.. I just-"

The smaller cuts him off by connecting their lips. After he pulled away, he ruffles Jisung's hair and smiles at him. "I completely understand you, Jisungie.. Come on, I'll come with you to check on your father.."

"Thank you, Lele.." he smiled before they prepared to go to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, they quickly went to the room where his father is confined to. Taeyong, Joy and Jaehyun are also there.

"Hyung! Mom!" he yelled while running to them. Mrs. Park smiled and immediately engulfes his son a hug. "Jisung! I missed you so much!" She looks at Chenle. "Chenle! You're here!" Chenle bowed politely.

"How's father's condition?" Jisung asked. "He needs to get operated soon.." Taeyong said. "He just needs to rest more before getting operated.." Mrs. Park stood on her husband's bed and held his hand.

Suddenly, Taeyong's secretary arrived. "Sir Taeyong! I have a bad news!"

Taeyong looks at him worriedly. "What is it?" "Mrs. Yeri Park requested a vote at the company to remove Mr. Park as the chairman of the empire!"

"What??!!" They all gasped at the news. "As soon as Yeri heard the news, she immediately spoke to all of the shareholders!" the secretary announced.

"That bitch!" Joy yelled. "Mom, calm down.." Jisung puts his arm on her mom's shoulder.

"We'll sort this out.." Taeyong said calmly. "Father needs to be operated first.."

Everyone went home to get some spare clothes while Jisung and Chenle stayed over as well. The smaller returned from the market, getting some food for both of them.

Jisung smiles and hugs his cute little boyfriend. "Thank you, Chenle.. For staying by my side all this time.." The smaller tiptoed and kisses his lips. "I'll stay with you forever, Jisungie.."

Yoona knew that Chenle has returned and she quickly needs to see the boy to confirm on wether Chenle is his lost son or not. She and Bogum quickly rode to the hospital, also visiting Mr. Park as well.

Night time came and Jisung took a quick nap on the chair inside the room. Chenle went outside to get some fresh air, however, he saw a little boy crying at the middle of the corridor.

He quickly went to the boy and sit on the ground to match on the little boy's height.
"Why are you crying?" he asked softly. The little boy looks up to him. "I want a candy!"

Chenle smiled and took a candy from his pocket. But before giving the candy, he sing  a song to calm the little boy.

"Be brave little one
Make a wish for each sad little tear
Hold your head up though no one is near
Someone's waiting for you"

Yoona and Bogum walks at the corridor when Yoona heard a very familiar song. "Can you hear it, love?" They both walk quietly and when they turned on the corner of the corridor and saw Chenle singing it to the boy.

The couple stood there while watching Chenle calming the boy. Meanwhile, the boy calmed down and smiled when Chenle gave the candy. "You sounded like an angel.." Then the boy left.

Chenle stood up and and when he turned around, he saw Yoona and Bogum staring at him. He quickly grinned. "Mr and Mrs Zhong!"

Yoona suddenly continued the song.

"Don't cry little one
There'll be a smile where a frown used to be
You'll be part of a love that you see
Someone's waiting for you"

Chenle's eyes widened. He walks slowly to the couple. "How did you know the song?" the smaller asked. Yoona smiles, "I always sing it to my child before he sleeps.. And do you know the name of my child?"

Chenle tilted his head.

"It's Zhong Chenle.." Yoona starts to cry. The smaller boy starts to remember every little detail when he was a four year old kid and the couple's face appeared on his head, especially on how Yoona sings that song to him before sleeping.

He also starts to cry and couldn't believe that his parents is in front of him. Yoona engulfes him on a tight hug. "My baby.. You're back.."

Thank you for reading! 🐥❤️🐬

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