🐥 Chapter 38 🐬

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Chenle entered the bathroom happily, carrying his change of clothes. He puts them down on the counter before stripping himself off naked.

He turned on the light as well, and gets some bathbombs on the cabinet.

Meanwhile, Jisung had fallen asleep while taking a dip on the tub, the sudden glimpse of light made him awake.

"I must had fell asleep.." he thought before standing up from the tub.

It happened very fast. Chenle opened the curtain, revealing a naked Jisung in front of him.

Time had stopped for a moment. They looked at each other's face, before looking down and looked up again.

It took them for a while to register on their mind on what was happening.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, Chenle gives the highest pitch of scream.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he crouched down, hiding his naked body. Jisung did the same, plunging again on the tub.

"Why did you enter, Lele?" Jisung asked, blush creeping on his face.

Chenle's face is on the same situation as well. "I didnt know that you're here!" he yelled while stuttering.

Jisung realized that he didnt turn on the lights, so that's why Chenle thought no one is inside.

"Sorry, Lele.. Can you get the towel on the counter, please?"

"I'm naked, Jisungie.." he shyly replied.

"Oh, right.. Can you close your eyes for a moment, please?"

Chenle closed his eyes while Jisung stood up from the tub and walked to the counter. He wraps the towel on his waist.

"You can now take your bath, Lele.." he spoke softly before leaving the bathroom.

He stood up slowly and entered the tub, plunging down after releasing a sigh.

He recalled what happened and the scene was very clear on his head, making him blush. "Its bad to think of that!" he yelled loudly.

Jisung heard him outside and starts to laugh.

After that incident, Chenle couldnt focus in everything he do. He couldnt cook properly. When Jisung is approaching him, he smiles awkwardly and tries to avoid him.

Which made Jisung worry as well.

While eating dinner, Chenle is really silent. He just keeps his head down while munching on the food.

After eating dinner, Chenle excused himself. "I'll go to sleep first, Jisungie.." he said shyly.

But Jisung doesnt want to stay the awkward air on both of them. "Not so fast.." he said before grabbing his wrist and pulled him into a tight hug.

Chenle was shocked, but he hugged back to his boyfriend. Jisung lifted him up and carried him to their shared room.

He sat up on the bed, with Chenle on his lap. The smaller is hiding his face on his neck.

The taller tilted his head to face him while caressing his cheeks. "Sorry Lele.." he muttered. "For making things awkward for us.."

Chenle's face is blushing. "Sorry too, Jisungie.. for avoiding you. Its just that, its really awkward what happened.."

"I understand you, love.." he smiled before pecking his lips.

"It was my first time to see an actual naked body, you know.." Chenle said shyly.

Jisung raised his eyebrows. "Actual? So you mean that you've seen a naked body before?"

"That's not what I meant! I mean, other than wiping the cute little statue of clotheless angels on the orphanage before.."

Jisung laughs. "That doesnt count, Lele.."

Chenle also laughs, easing the awkwardness around them. He nuzzles his face on Jisung's chest, inhaling the relaxing scent from the boy.

"I'm sleepy.." he mumbles on his chest.

Jisung hugs him tight before laying down to the bed, with Chenle still attatched to him.

"Sleep well, love..." Jisung rubs circle on his back before kissing goodnight on his forehead.

Thank you for reading! 🐥❤️🐬

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