Chapter 13

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Louis gave me the night off to do the set. We agreed on doing Shallow again for the duet. The rest of my set list was up to me. Louis picked out my outfit again. It was the long silver number from the boutique that Louis got for me. That meant less dancing. I was supposed to go on at ten. I paced in the loft as I waited. I was already dressed and had nothing else to do but wait. The elevator dinged and I looked towards it expectantly. Louis stepped off looking like he walked straight out of a magazine. He went with a simple power blue button up and black slacks. The top buttons were open on his long sleeved shirt and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. I have no idea why, but it seemed he was getting more and more attractive to me by the hour.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Let's get this over with," I muttered as I walked towards him. Getting in the elevator, the air felt electrified. Louis presses the ground floor button before turning to me and leaning against the back wall of the elevator,

"I really want to kiss you again right now, but I can't rip this shirt," he smirked at me. I blushed furiously.

"We're going to have to take about that later," I muttered as the elevator doors opened. He took my hand and led me out to the side of the stage. Again, I was introduced before I took a microphone and made my way onto the stage. My pieces weren't too slow, but they were simple. The second to last number was a bit more upbeat, and then there was the duet with Louis. I sat at the piano and placed my microphone on a stand as Louis stepped onto the stage. The crowd went nuts and he hadn't even sang yet. He fixed his microphone and kissed my head with a smile before he sat down next to me.

"Hello everyone. My name is Louis Iso, the owner here. Since you heard from my girlfriend, Megan, it's only fair that you hear from me too. This will be the last live song for the night and then it's going back to our DJ," he said into his microphone before nodding to me. I began playing the song and Louis jumped in shortly after. It was just like the first time. It felt like there was no one in the room but us. Our voices blended and complimented each other. I couldn't help but glance at Louis every now and then. He was even more attractive when he looked so focused like that. Finally the song ended with me playing the last chord.

The room was silent before that one person started the thunderous applause. Louis said a few more words before the DJ switched back to dance music. Louis gave me a hand down the three stairs off the side of the stage. Immediately we were hounded by people praising and congratulating us. It was almost a full hour before we were able to sneak away to the elevator. After emerging on the loft level, I sighed at the silence as I moved to take my heels off, using the wall for support.

"That went better than expected," Louis said as he undid the buttons on his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiosity as he draped his shirt over a bar stool. He smirked as he prowled towards me like a lion stalking his prey.

"I told you... I don't want to rip that shirt," he said. I knew that the second his lips touched mine, I would be lost in him, and we needed to talk first.

"Wait, Wait," I stopped him as I placed my hands on his chest. He stopped but rested a hand in the wall behind me.

"What are you thinking?" He asked. I sighed and snakes under him to create some space and clear my head.

"We can't keep doing this. I apparently... affect you somehow and we have no idea why. Also, the more you kiss me, the fuzzier my thoughts get. I don't want to cross that line," I said, voicing my exact thoughts.

"I don't know why you affect me the way you do, and if you're getting fuzzy headed it means I'm doing it right. The line sits where we put it. There's nothing wrong with moving it where we want to. And plus, it's fun," he smirked at me. I was amazed at how simple he made everything sound.

"But one of us might want more if we continue," I tried. He chuckled and began prowling towards me again.

"One of us? Both of us? You?" He asked, knowing fully well what I was trying not to say. I felt my cheeks go hot in embarrassment.

"T-that's not-"

"If you want more, I'll give you what you want," he said simply as he caught my waist and pulled me closer.

"I-it's not that simple," I replied softly. Again he chuckled, running the tip of his nose along my neck and making my shiver in anticipation.

"Isn't it?" He challenged, his other hand going to the zipper of my dress. He undid the zipper slowly, and I didn't stop him. I swallowed roughly trying to get rid of the lump in my throat.

"You're nervous," he noted before taking a step back. "I won't give you what you want, until you ask me," he said, taking a breath. I held the front of my dress against my chest to keep it from falling.

"Great job tonight," I said before scurrying off to my room and closing the door. I took a deep breath as I leaned against the door.

Great job tonight? Seriously? Is that really what came out of my mouth? I groaned and threw my head back before going to get ready for bed. Having the Devil for a roommate was was proving to be more tempting and difficult than I thought it would be.

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