Chapter 1

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(A/N) Akiraaaaaaaaa



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Love was a funny thing, wasn't it? It could be a platonic love towards your pet, or maybe romantic love with your significant other. It makes people smile with joy, cry tears of sadness, even scream out in frustration.

And sometimes, it makes people tip a little too much over the edge.

Akira sighed deeply, poking at his lunch for the school day. A cheap bag of stale chips from the vending machine nearby, and a bottled water that's gone lukewarm. It wasn't the most... appetizing meal he could had have, but it was cheap enough to buy with his leftover pocket change, so it worked for him.

Popping the yellow bag open, he looked inside to see the contents of his small lunch. A handful of barely salted potato chips. Oh joy.

Just as he was about to take a bite, a pair to two small (S/C) hands wrapped themselves over his eyes.

P̶o̶k̶e̶r̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶e
But the lies you buried deep were found

"Guess who?" Akira could almost sense the grin plastered onto the person's face. He smiled too, knowing exactly who that voice belonged to.

The black-haired boy turned around to face the stranger. Just as he thought, a girl with (E/C) eyes, and (H/C) locks of hair.

His old childhood friend.

And she was looking as beautiful as ever.


"In the flesh!" She said, doing a small twirl to show off the uniform she was wearing. The infamous black and red Shujin Academy shirt and skirt. A black book carrier with the Academy's logo hung by her side, proof that she was officially a student to the prestigious school.

A light shade of pink flushed up to Akira's cheeks. She looked stunning.

"I thought you had moved away? Why'd you come back?" Many more questions pondered Akira's mind, but he forced himself to restrain from asking.

"Simple. I came back because I missed you!" She looked down sheepishly. "Well, that and my parents needed to move somewhere cheaper, so they chose here. But still, isn't it great? We both go to the same school now, just like old times!"

R̶u̶n̶ ̶a̶w̶a̶y
But there will be blood to go around

Akira gave a slightly forced smile to her statement, nodding along. Yeah, just like old times. He should be happy, be overwhelmed with joy, something, anything. But why wasn't he? Maybe because it wasn't just the two of them back then, or maybe because he was stupid enough to never confess his true feelings to her before she left. Either way, he didn't like the idea of their relationship being 'just like old times.' He wanted- no, needed more.

He looked down at the ground, too annoyed with himself and (Y/N) to say anything else. He really was pathetic, huh? Letting his emotions take hold of his train of thought so easily. How pitiable.

T̶r̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶i̶d̶e
But the scars will open up again

He swore he could've heard Caroline and Justine snickering in the background.

A loud ringing noise suddenly sounded through the two's ears, signaling that it was time to go to their next class.

Akira stood up, quickly dusting off his pants while throwing away the bag of chips and untouched tepid water.

"I feel like we should get going to class now." It was as if his personality changed with the flick of a switch. Once a sweet and kind caring man, now harsh and brash. (Y/N) almost flinched at the tone of his voice. Practically dead. Her mind started wandering to the worst of the worst; Did he hate her? Resent her for leaving him after all those years? Or was this just simply who he was now? She didn't know, and was now too nervous to ask.

Now wanting to change the flow of the talk, (Y/N) spoke up.

"Uh, yeah... I have english next. You?"


"Sweet! Maybe we'll even sit next to each other!" She forced out an awkward laugh as she scratched the back of her head skittishly.

"Let's hope so." And with that, Akira walked away, each step filled with anticipation for what would happen next.

(Y/N) simply stood there, wondering what exactly he meant when he said those three words.

D̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e
But it's gonna hurt you in the end

(A/N) This is what? The third time i've written yandere for this guy? Sheesh, I need to get a life

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(A/N) This is what? The third time i've written yandere for this guy? Sheesh, I need to get a life.

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