Chapter 16

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(A/N) Remember that scene I was telling y'all about in some of the authors notes? Well this entire chapter is that scene. So uhhhh..... Good luck.

(In case ya didn't know this is a smut chapter so you can skip it if ya want askjlaacmsf-)

(In case ya didn't know this is a smut chapter so you can skip it if ya want askjlaacmsf-)

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Akira pushed the girl down onto the plump and padded mattress, his now yellow eyes gleaming with an emotion (Y/N) couldn't quite describe.

His neutral expression lowered to a frown as he saw a tear start to drip down his love's eye.

"What's wrong, darling?" Akira leaned down and licked the tear away, giving (Y/N) a slight chill down her spine. "It's not like it'll hurt."

Taking out a dagger from his pocket, he watched as the girls eyes began to grow and quiver. Twirling the small weapon in between his fingers, he hummed a small unfamiliar tune as he took down the blade onto (Y/N)'s uniform. The buttons detached with a loud 'pop!' as they fell down to the ground, the fabric making up her shirt and skirt slipping off her body and onto the sheets. All that remained were her undergarments.

Still in a slight daze, (Y/N) blinked twice before realizing what was currently going on. Akira clamped his hand over her mouth before she could scream. Moving his other hand to her back, he undid the clasps to the back of her bra, and threw it across the room.

(Y/N) blushed a light tint of red as her nearly-exposed figure soon came into view. Her hands soon moved to cover her body, but were quickly restricted by Akira. The boy leaned down, a small smile plastered onto his face.

"Don't try to hide yourself darling, you look stunning." He whispered into her ear, blowing small puffs as he closed his eyes in bliss. God she had a better form than he could have ever imagined. He could already feel his core heating up just from the sight. He bit his tongue, knowing he couldn't contain his lust and desire any longer.

His pink hungry lips soon captured hers in a greedy kiss. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she felt a sense of deja vu emerge itself into her mind.

' "Don't worry (Y/N)." His hand reached up to her chest, before roaming around her left breast and gently squeezing. "I'll make you feel real good, even if the real you can't feel it."

His hands moved away from her mouth, firmly gripping her face. His lips were pulled into a psychotic leer, as they just barely brushed over (Y/N)'s. He waited for the perfect moment, then struck. '

The feeling left just as quickly as it appeared, but it was enough for her to remember exactly the type of feelings she once harboured to the man before her.

She thrashed around in his grasp, combating with Akira's hard grip on her skin.

Akira grunted into the kiss, getting irritated with her struggles for freedom. It wasn't the... Best kiss he'd imagined, but it'd have to do. Why couldn't she just accept this? He was trying to cleanse her, yet she acted like he was a monster, a damn demon.

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