Chapter 5

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(A/N) So uhhh... Do y'all think Akira's acting 'yandere' enough? Because I wanted to make him seem a little more creepy and harsh as a yandere, but now it's like he's just being a bitch.

Also huuuuuuge warning for some sexual content in this. And I mean H U G E

 And I mean H U G E

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Joker's black eyes glinted behind his mask, boring themselves into the figure of his lifelong crush.

The scenery behind him seemed to darken down as the girl almost began to glow. It was almost as if she was an angel. Well, she was, at least to him. Her back was turned to the Phantom Thief, so she didn't notice him walk up to her and tap her briefly on the shoulder.

The girl shrieked out of anxiety, quickly spinning around to see the culprit.

"H-Hey!" (Y/N)'s shadow stuttered, before her shoulders went limp as she saw who the stranger was. She wiped the now drying tears away from her face. "Oh. It's you. You know that mask doesn't do anything to hide who you truly are, right?"

Joker chuckled, slightly amused by her foreboding humor.

"Surprised a shadow like you would actually recognize who I am."

"Shut it. You've been treating me horribly ever since I got back! Like i'm a disgrace to humanity or something! Now what, you just expect a nice little chat between the two of us?"

The masked boy couldn't say he wasn't surprised with the way shadow (Y/N) was acting now. This was the mementos, so the shadows revealed a humans true personality. Although he did expect her to act a little more submissive and quaint, not full of irritation towards him. But enough of spending time thinking about (Y/N)'s true personality. He had a job to do.

"Actually, that's the reason I came here. I wanted to know if there was any-"

"If you think you're here to try and mend our relationship, then you're too late." She interrupted him with a glare. "A couple hours late, to be exact. If you were just in a bad mood and had told me, I would have understood. But you were cruel to me the entire day, even smiling when I was in pain!" (Y/N) sighed, but not before the words 'can't believe I used to look up to you...' slipped past her mouth.

A sharp sting of pain soon coursed through (Y/N)'s wrists. She looked at the culprit with the infamous metaverse yellow tinted eyes, as her body started to quiver from the fright.

Joker stared down at the ground, hair shadowing his upper face. His brain tugged deeper into his sadistic thoughts, before a smirk appeared on his face.

'To hell with it.' He thought, before cleanly cutting off the buttons of (Y/N)'s uniform top with his dagger, exposing her bra and stomach. He's waited far too long for this chance, and he's not about to let it go. It didn't matter if this wasn't even truly (Y/N), he didn't care at this point. A mixture of hormones and self restraint had tainted his mind more than it already was, much past the point of saving.

Before the shadow girl could get a word out, Joker clamped his gloved hand over her mouth, leaving only muffled fragments of sentences to escape.

"Don't worry (Y/N)." His hand reached up to her chest, before roaming around her left breast and gently squeezing. "I'll make you feel real good, even if the real you can't feel it."

His hands moved away from her mouth, firmly gripping her face. His lips were pulled into a psychotic leer, as they just barely brushed over (Y/N)'s. He waited for the perfect moment, then struck.

While the kiss may have felt like purgatory to (Y/N), Joker was running wild on the bliss that his body was rapidly giving out.

While one hand grabbed both her wrists and held them above her, the other moved down to her... Lower regions.

His fingers followed over her clit, sending involuntary shivers of pleasure down (Y/N)'s spine. This motion soon became faster and rougher, leading her into shivering mess.

Lips traced over her shoulder, kissing whenever he felt her breath hitch. Joker began to take a step back, ready to admire his work, before frowning.

He hadn't considered the fact that the girl he began to get initiative with was simply a cognation of her true personality, therefore any marks he had made onto her body just simply didn't exist. He sighed in annoyance at his own stupidity, watching the girl before him slide down to her knees as she tried to hold up the remaining sanity inside her mind.

It didn't work.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." The girl sobbed in between hiccups, refusing to look at the man who had tainted her purity. "I didn't mean to..." She tried to wipe away the waterfall-like tears with the back of her hands.

Akira kneeled down, his long tailcoat flowing by from an untraceable feel of wind. His arms wrapped around the girls torso, as he shushed away the sounds of her cries.

"Shhh, it's ok my darling..." He whispered into her ear. "You didn't do anything wrong."

'If anything, you did absolutely perfect.'

(A/N) I wrote this in school during the middle of class and I swear my face was red the entire time

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(A/N) I wrote this in school during the middle of class and I swear my face was red the entire time. I'm sorry I couldn't write it as full blown smut I JUST CAN'T

Also if any of y'all know where to find good Yandere Akira fics hmu cause uhhh I can't find any

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