Chapter 12

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(A/N) I've been listening to Gangsta's Paradise for like four hours straight help

Idk why but it reminds me of Dabi from BNHA so now I might write a yandere x reader for him-

Idk why but it reminds me of Dabi from BNHA so now I might write a yandere x reader for him-

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Wide eyed hues of (E/C) looked through the window and at the dark night sky, contemplating the future events that may occur.

No matter what she did, she couldn't stop thinking about that letter. It was almost as if it had been etched into her mind, like pictures carved into stone.

She wondered if she could've done anything to prevent this. This... whatever it even was. The letter, Akira's new personality, Ann's sudden grudge towards her, all of it. She was starting to wish she never moved back to this place.

(Y/N) was too busy in her own little mind, that she failed to realize the window closest to her started to open, letting in a cold chill down her spine. A coated figure crawled through the small gap, and stood back up, the persons messy hair now more disheveled. (Y/N) didn't notice them.

"Hello, my sweet darling ~"

Her body froze.

Even though she didn't know exactly who they were, their unannounced visit and sickly sugar-filled words were enough for her to make a well educated guess.


A monochrome mask concealed half of his face, while a devilish smile tugged at his lips.

"I see you've been waiting for me, (Y/N). I'm surprised." He spoke, a gentle tone coating his words, sweet like honey. "I honestly expected you to leave town with a bat in hand."

"I should've." (Y/N) retorted. She felt her fingernails dig into her skin with irritation. Her eyes slowly lingered back to look at the door behind her; the only exit out of the small room she was currently trapped in.

Standing up and taking only the smallest of steps back, the girl tried to distract the masked man before her. "Why are you even here?"

"Didn't you read the letter? I've come for your heart."

"How the hell does that even work? What, you tear open my chest and rip it out?"

"Do you really think I would-" He stopped, only for him to walk up before her and hold her arms behind her back.

"Ah-ah-ah." Joker talked down to (Y/N) the way a mother would a child. "Don't think I can't see what you're doing. We can't have you leaving just yet."

He let go and began to circle her, gripping his hands behind his back as he stared at a girl with an look full of suspicion.

"You know (Y/N), I've been watching you for awhile. I've watched you; talking with other people, laughing with them, touching them..."

His steps became more rough and rugged, his breathing deep and heavy.

"What? They were just friends I met-" (Y/N) tried to speak up, but was quickly interrupted.

"Friends? Wasn't I your friend? What good are those other "friends" anyway?! They don't know you like I do! I'm the one that cares about you the most! Everyone else should just disappear!" The girl flinched from the loud tone in his voice.

"And to think you could possibly end up with one of them? It's despicable." Joker stopped behind (Y/N) and placed his hands on her shoulders. She froze up at the sudden contact, but slowly relaxed into his touch. She slowly closed her eyes, sniffling softly.

Joker grinned wider and began massaging her shoulders for a quick second. He whispered into her ear, "And I'm not letting anyone else have you."

Joker quickly grasped the blade of the dagger with a delicate touch, letting the pommel face her. With a quick blow and a sharp gasp, he hit her right in the back of the neck, letting (Y/N)'s mind turn blank as she went unconscious.

The girl fell into his arms, her body limp and her breathing soft. A gentle smile graced the edges of Jokers mouth as he swayed side to side, bliss and endorphins running wild inside his mind.

He dug his head into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. His body was filled with relief, like a person who was going through withdrawal and just got another hit of their 'medicine'. Well, in a way, (Y/N) was almost like his medicine, in a fucked up way, that is.

Readjusting his grip on her, Joker walked towards the exit, humming a small happy tune under his breath.

"Let's go home, (Y/N)."

(A/N) I may be messed up for thinking this but it's incredibly hot whenever the reader gets knocked unconscious then picked up and carried by the love interest

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(A/N) I may be messed up for thinking this but it's incredibly hot whenever the reader gets knocked unconscious then picked up and carried by the love interest. Like gahhhhh that's hOT-

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