Chapter 4

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(A/N) Now some of you may now be wondering, where the hell is Morgana? Simple. Akira gave him to Ann a couple of days before all of this started, because Morgana kept on begging him to. You'll see him in a chapter real soon, I promise.

 You'll see him in a chapter real soon, I promise

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Akira walked down the streets of Shibuya, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black and white uniform. He let out a deep breath of the cool spring air, watching people move along the sidewalk as he strolled down to the train station.

His eyes glossed over as he raked his mind of the previous events that had occurred earlier.

"Not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact." He spoke, watching as (Y/N)'s face morphed into one of confusion.

His fingers gently clutched the doorknob of the exterior door, leaving her behind before he did something he would later regret.

Damn she was so fucking hot like that. With the tears in her eyes, to the shivering fear flowing inside her body, it made him feel so good.

He smiled once more to the (H/C)-haired girl, before closing the door behind him and leaving (Y/N) alone as a broken mess.

His hands gave an involuntary twitch at the reminiscence. It still annoyed him that after so long, he could fall for her. Although deep down in his heart, he knew he would love her until the end of time.

His steps paused for a second, before he changed directions and walked towards the back alley closest to the train station. It was dark, cramped and dusty, but it wasn't like Akira was going to be staying there for much longer. After all, who ever went near dingy alleys without malistic intent?

All that he could see inside the cramped area was a green trash bin, a broken mop that seemed to be infested with splinters, and some soot that littered the floor. Akira grimaced at the sight.

He immediately fished out his mobile phone and pushed the power button. The screen lit to life, showing a black screen with little pops of color representing the apps showing up.

He selected a red one, watching as the screen turned the color of a rose, complete with a black eye in the center.

The world around him slowly began to haze a deep carnelian, as his current outfit was engulfed in blue flames. When the fires disappeared, a man in a red and gold accented costume with a black and white, birdlike domino mask emerged.

A subtle yet cocky grin came upon the infamous Joker's face. It felt so damn good to be back into the Metaverse, even if it was just himself. With an adjustment of his glove, he set off on his self-employed mission.

His fingertips gently touched the surface of the subway walls as he walked between the broken down rails. He felt every bump of the cracked bricks all packed together, the rough texture of the mortar, all of it.

His eyes acted like binoculars throughout the dark tunnels, scouring the vicinity to find his objective.

Narrowly avoiding a wandering persona, he turned around to hide. The sound of light sobbing rang in his ears, as his eyes widened. He knew exactly who those tears belonged to.

Now sprinting, he ran to the location of the familiar sound. The only person there was a girl, wearing the Shujin Academy uniform.

 The only person there was a girl, wearing the Shujin Academy uniform

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(A/N) Y'all gonna get Persona Q2? Cause uhhhhhh

You should

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