Chapter 11

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(A/N) Y'all I just realized I started writing this whole story back in February

That means I've written 11 chapters and an extra scene in like two months. Damn that's impressive-

 Damn that's impressive-

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Taking a seat in the booth closest to the door, (Y/N) slightly leaned back, trying and succeeding to lull Akira into a false sense of security. He followed her lead, sitting across from her.

"Look," he started, "I know I haven't been the... nicest to you ever since you got back, but I can assure you that I-"

"Save it." (Y/N) interrupted the boy, clicking her tongue and resting her chin on her palm. She looked him dead in the eye. "You know just as well as I do that you acted that way on purpose."

"You haven't let me explain. If you would, I'm sure you'd understand."

"What exactly is there to explain? You were such a dick to me that day, I highly doubt you can say anything that'll make me 'understand'." (Y/N) was already starting to get fed up with this. First he completely humiliates her, then he tries to explain himself?

What a joke.

(Y/N) honestly wondered why she didn't just stand up and leave right then and there. She actually could, considering how the door was just a few feet away from her. Plus if Akira tried anything to keep her there, she could easily just kick him where it hurts.

Guilt rose up the back of her throat, aching at the almost cruel actions she could try and do if the situation arose. But she had to be prepared. She thought she could trust him, but she's been proven wrong multiple times throughout the past few days.

'You know what?' She thought, looking down at the ground and standing up. 'Who cares anymore.'

His hand grasped hers in a tight grip, preventing her from making any more steps towards the exit. "Wait, please." He spoke. "If you won't listen to me, then at least read this later."

"Read what?"

He didn't respond. He opened her hand, revealing her palm as he gave her a small white envelope with a red wax seal.

His fingers lingered and his pulse quickened, relishing in the skin to skin contact. But it wasn't quick to last, as (Y/N) retracted her arm back and shoved the letter inside of her school bag.

"Don't touch me." (Y/N) looked down on him as a queen would a jester.

Akira's hands twitched closer to her neck, eager to gouge themselves into her precious, porcelain-like skin. He bit his tongue, trying his best to restrain himself. Blood slowly started to seep from the open wound, a crimson streak leaking and dripping down his mouth.

Why didn't she just fucking like him again?! They had a good relationship before, so why couldn't it just be like back then??

God this was starting to drive him up the walls. His shadow self cried out, nearly begging him to take his chance right then and there.

'Now's your chance, Akira. No one else is here, just you and her! It's now or never, make your decision!'

No. No no no no no. No no, he's not going to take her here. He's been waiting for the right moment, somewhere special and memorable, not in the booth of a damn cafe!

He needed some time to think. As much as it pained him, he needed her to leave. Now.

"Get out." He whispered, a dark tone covering his voice.

"Huh? But you-"

"I said get the fuck out!" Akira slammed his hands down on the table, causing two glasses to slam down into the ground and shatter.

(Y/N) flinched at his outburst, shocked at the sudden hostility. With the quick grab and adjust of her bag, she ran out the building.

Although she could've swore she saw a hint of yellow swirling around in the boys eyes.


(Y/N) (L/N) sat at her desk inside her room, head in her hands. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were dropping in exhaustion from the night sky.

Her mind was in scrambles, trying to decipher the intentions behind Akira's actions. Yet, all she could think about was that damn envelope.

What was even in it, anyways? Akira told her that if she wouldn't listen to him, then to at least read what was inside. Well clearly she wasn't going to listen to him anytime soon, and what's the harm in just reading it?

Now feeling confident in herself, (Y/N) ripped open the flap.

Inside was a black and red striped card, complete with the logo of a top hat and flaming eye. (Y/N) rose a brow at the odd sight. She had seen these inside the halls of school, but didn't think much of them. Who were they from, the Phantom Thieves? Yeah, that's right. Some random group of people who thought they could change people's hearts, however that even works.

She flipped the piece of paper, her eyes reading the words that showed before her as she spoke them outloud.

"To (Y/N) (L/N),

Though our job may be to steal hearts, it seems you have whisked away one without our consent. For your grievous transgressions of stealing my heart, I shall be coming for yours in turn. Be ready, my darling.

- Joker"

(A/N) Did any of y'all notice the Rivers in the Desert reference I snuck in >:3

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(A/N) Did any of y'all notice the Rivers in the Desert reference I snuck in >:3

I McFucking love that song-

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