Chapter 6

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(A/N) Idk why but the fact that i've written so much more for this book in one month than I did the last Yandere Akira book in a year says a lot

(A/N) Idk why but the fact that i've written so much more for this book in one month than I did the last Yandere Akira book in a year says a lot

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(Y/N) (L/N) awoke from her slumber with a gasp, beads of sweat starting to drip down her face. A terrible headache was now inside her head, and her legs were shaky. She took a few deep breaths as a way to try and calm herself down.

She felt horrible, violated. She didn't know how the hell that even worked, consider she's been asleep for the past few hours, but it did. Stifling back a small sob that arose to her throat, she closed her eyes and counted to ten.

She reached for her (F/C) phone that sat by her nightstand. It lit up immediately, quickly brightening up the once pitch black room.

Dialing the first number on her contact list, she waited for them to answer as she heard the beep of the caller. She hoped the person picked up, even though it was around three pm.


Akira's voice came out of the speakers. She froze, but quickly forced herself to relax. She didn't truly care who she was talking to at this point, she was scared for her own safety.

"Akira, I'm really really sorry i'm calling you this late at night I know you're probably busy with sleeping and such but-"

"Hey hey." He interrupted her rambling with a soft smile. He was surprised that she was calling him this late at night, but nonetheless. It wasn't like he was complaining, as this only meant that his darling angel was finally learning to trust him a little more. "You don't need to worry. I'm right here. Just tell me whatever you need to say." He spoke in a soft voice, coaxing the (H/C) haired girl to speak. And speak she did.

All feeling of worry and anger in her gut washed away as she spent her time ranting to Akira about how she the events that had only happened a few minutes ago. She knew he wasn't the same person as he was before, but he still used to be her friend. She trusted him, more than anyone else in the school.

"I don't know, but I just feel defiled. My legs have been hurting like hell, a-and these weird bruises have been appearing near my neck."

Akira's eyes widened at those words. Holy fuck. Everything that he did to her in the Mementos, she actually felt.

His breathing became more rash and quick, chest moving up and down at a rapid pace. You'd think he'd be worried about what she'd been saying, considering it could lead to his finding and demise, but nope. He was turned on.

A deep blush spread from his head to his neck. She actually felt everything he did! Although she didn't react as well as he could've imagined, he was still pleased by this discovery.

"Akira? You still there?" (Y/N)'s voice rang out through the phone call, bringing Akira back into reality. He could hear a hint of sadness in her voice, and light sniffling through the muffled speakers of his device. The black-haired boy hummed a yes in response, his pupils dilated and staring down at the cold, hard ground.

"Well i'm pretty sure I've been taking up enough of your time, huh?" (Y/N) sighed at Akira's response, as she gently scratched the side of her neck. It was a nervous habit that she did from time to time. The unused hand quickly clenched into a fist.

"Sorry about all of this. Goodnight." Before he could respond, she pressed the end call button on her phone, and flopped the object besides her on the bed.

A low groan emerged from the back of (Y/N)'s throat as she tried to rub the sleep away from her eyes. It was already four in the morning, yet she didn't feel tired. 'Maybe it wasn't the best idea to call Akira... I'm really such an idiot, huh?"

While alone in her thoughts, her eyes started to flutter and close, while her tightened fist relaxed.

Soon, only quiet breathes sounded throughout the room.

(A/N) Hmmm I would smooch the fuck outta Akira Kurusu

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(A/N) Hmmm I would smooch the fuck outta Akira Kurusu

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