Chapter 10

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(A/N) Ok so I just found a better version of Mind Brand that fits this book better (After listening to covers for like two hours straight). V4Flower Rock Version. Hell yeah.


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Akira walked to the library, deciding to skip his next class. Right now, he was focusing his time to something much more important than someone teaching him the importance of the history of 'art'. Yeah right. Soon, he'd have his own little masterpiece, whom which he could admire every day. Just the thought of seeing (Y/N) and keeping her all for himself shook him down to his very core.

His legs slightly shook with each step as his mind filled in the dirty thoughts that plagued his shadow self. Breath quickening as the blood in his veins flushed to his cheeks, he adjusted his glasses and continued forward, ignoring any weird looks and glances he may had gotten.

Once near the designated location, he walked inside and sat down next to the entrance. The rosy hue on his face still glowed a soft radiance of the color red. With nobody inside the quaint room and a faint breeze passing by from the small window nearby,

Taking out a patterned card from inside his school bag, he looked down and got to work. The sound of pen against paper soon filled the room, scratching and scraping noises with each stroke and dot. His lip started to pull up in his infamous wicked, devilish smirk, as a small and hushed laugh emerged from the cracks in his mouth. A shadow version of his silhouette chuckled along with him, amused by the boy's slow fall into insanity.

Meanwhile, a (H/C) haired girl sat inside the classroom of her next subject, boredly tapping her pencil on the wooden desk that sat before her. The monotone words of her teacher were soon drowned out by the small 'ding!' of her cellphone.

Thankfully her sound was on low, so none of her fellow students heard the quiet notification noise. Taking out her phone, she looked down and saw that someone had messaged her. An unknown number.

'Meet me at the Cafe LeBlanc on Yongen-Jaya at 9pm. Don't be late.'

Her brows furrowed in confusion as she read the words that showed on her phone. Cafe LeBlanc? She had heard of the place before, even went inside once. It was nice, just a little place to sit back and relax. So why would some random stranger want to meet her there? Normally in the movies they'd ask to meet near some alley or at a secondary location.

'I mean, it's in a lit-up area. I'll just go there for a few minutes then leave. They wouldn't try anything in a place like that, right?' She bit her tongue. 'Right?'

Throughout the remainder of the lesson, (Y/N) only continued to delve deeper into her self-doubt.


(Y/N) (L/N) looked up at the building before her, before glancing back down at her phone for confirmation. Yup, this was the place.

Stuffing the device in her pocket, she reached her arm out to grab the doorknob. It was warm, as if someone had recently touched it. Bits of rust were scattered along the rim, but other than that it looked clean.

The door creaked slightly, with small yet strong gusts of wind practically pulling her inside.

It was pitch black, as it the night sky itself was transported into the room. Instantly on her guard, she tensed up.

She heard the flip of a switch, and everything brightened up.

(Y/N) rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

"Akira? You were the one who called me here?" Akira stood by the staircase near the back wall, his eyes hidden by the glint of his glasses. A neutral expression remained on his face, giving (Y/N) a slight chill down her spine.

Arms crossed, he gave a step away from the wall, slowly but surely closing the distance between the two of them.

"Who did you expect?" He started, putting an extra emphasis on his final word. It almost seemed as if he was pissed off. Not specifically to her, just in general. It gave the girl a feeling of disquiet, while she rubbed her arm as a way of small comfort.

"Right." (Y/N) spoke in a suspicious tone, before looking back at the door behind her. "Well I think I'm going to-"

"Stay." It wasn't a request, more similar to a passive command. She paused, and Akira gestured to one of the empty booths in the building. There was no explanation, just the invitation. "We need to have a little talk."

(A/N) Ok, so I have some good news and bad news

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(A/N) Ok, so I have some good news and bad news.

Good news is we're getting really close to the good stuff, now that I'm around halfway or so done with the story. Like if you think Akira's kinda yandere now, just wait a little bit.

Bad news is the next chapter or two might take a little longer than normal to upload. Since it's nearing the end of the school year for me, a lot of tests and such have been going on in all of my classes.

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