Chapter 3

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(A/N) I love and stan one (1) man

(A/N) I love and stan one (1) man

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"And be sure to read pages one fourteen to one twenty seven for homework tonight!" The teacher called out, grabbing his thinning hair in exasperation as all of his students raced towards the door the second the bell rang. Well, all except one.

Akira looked down at his desk, eyes narrowed and full of displeasure.

Too bad Akira didn't notice the black shadow stalking him behind his back, complete with two glowing amber eyes.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was questioning any students she could find about her old friend, either by interrogation or coaxing.

"You mean that transfer student guy? Yeah, i've seen him lingering around before school once, don't know what he was doing though."

"Why are you even talking to me? Don't you have something else to do? Anyways, he seems alright. Don't see why people can hate him so freaking much."

"Oh, Akira? Stay away from him."

"Why?" (Y/N) asked the girl. This was the first person to actually know the boy's name.

"Simple. He's a criminal. Got charged with assault a year or two back." The stranger said as she twirled her long black hair around her finger.

(Y/N)'s mind went blank.

'He's a... Criminal?'

"Akira, we need to talk. Preferably alone." (Y/N) said, looking him dead in the eyes. The boy simply sighed as he crooked his head to the side, almost questioningly.

In response, (Y/N) grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to the rooftop of the school.

Akira looked away, but couldn't hide the small red glow that came over his face. They held hands all the time when they were young, so how was this any different?

The boy stepped away from his childhood crush the moment she let him go. "So," he gestured to himself, "you have me alone. What exactly did you want?"

"You know damn well what I want." (Y/N) jabbed her pointer finger into his chest. "I want to know why the hell you've been acting so weird!"

If anyone was none the wiser, they would've thought that their argument was just a simple lovers quarrel.

Akira sighed. "(Y/N) listen-"

"People have been saying you're a criminal, and that you assaulted someone! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

He didn't know why, but his mind began to snap with each word she spoke to him. His fingers slowly started to twitch in rhythm with his beating heart.

"Honestly Akira, what have you been doing the past few-"

"You want to know why the fuck I've been acting so weird?" He interrupted her.

"W-well," (Y/N) stammered, "I just think now you're much more..." She trailed off, now afraid to say anything else.

"Oh, what? Think I'm too harsh? Too insensitive now?" He wasn't even trying to hide the malice overtone in his voice. (Y/N) fixed her gaze down onto her feet. She didn't see the sneer grow on Akira's face, yet she could feel the smug attitude in his words.

Pale fingers grasped the (H/C)-haired girls jaw forcefully, causing her to look up. She winced at the pressure.

"The times have changed (Y/N). We're not little kids anymore, I suggest you grow up for once."

His hand left her face, only to linger for a second. He faced away from her, walking towards the exit.

It was so cute to him. How before she was assertive and bold, only to now be as meek as a lamb. He loved her like that.

"Wait!" (Y/N) cried out, tears threatening to fall. She hated this. Why was he so insistent on this? Making her feel humiliated? Insulted? " I need to ask you something!"

Akira stood still, waiting for her to speak.

"Do you hate me now?"

Time seemed to slow down, if only for a moment.

A smirk grew upon Akira's face. He turned to her; gray to (E/C).

"Not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact."

(A/N) I'm dying because I read my first book of Yandere Akira I made like two years ago and it is so bad™

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(A/N) I'm dying because I read my first book of Yandere Akira I made like two years ago and it is so bad™

Like I planned to have him blind the reader and break their legs like what??? The hell was wrong with me back then??

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