Chapter 9

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(A/N) Ok I'm actually kinda sad rn because I looked at all of the yandere Akira Kurusu X Reader things out there and uhhhh,,,

It's all one shots, short drabbles, or headcanons. This is like, the only actual fic.

We need more Yandere Akira fics.

We need more Yandere Akira fics

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Ok, this was starting to get annoying.

The blonde grumbled in annoyance, blowing a stray hair away from her face.

She was still irritated about the events that had happened only hours ago. From Akira dissing and ignoring her, to his very small talk about the new girl. Why the hell was she so special to him anyways? And how'd she grow on Akira so fast? She reminded Ann of a weed. She had forced herself into the garden of Akira's heart, and grown her way to his love.

And she was determined to rip that weed out of the ground, roots and all.

As Ann started to imagine all the many ways that she could get this stranger to back away from her man, a delicate hand tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me? The teacher said we needed to get a partner, and you're the only person left."

Ann turned around.

A girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair stood before her, complete with two dull (E/C) eyes full of boredom. Ann gave a fake smile in return. She never had seen her in the class before, yet she couldn't recall her ever being introduced to the rest of the students. Either way, her suspicions rose in alert as the stranger introduced herself.

"Name's (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." She held her hand out for Ann to shake. Ann returned the small greeting. Her shoulders were lax, yet her grip was tense.

"Ann Takamaki."

(Y/N) grabbed a chair from besides her and moved it towards her partners desk, before sitting down criss cross. She swayed her head side to side, before Ann opened her mouth to speak to break the awkward silence that quickly lingered around the two. "So have you always been in this class? I've never seen you in here before."

"Nope. I transferred here yesterday." (Y/N) spoke, getting out a pencil and eraser from her backpack. "It's been really weird here though. This one guy who used to be my friend now hates me for some reason."

"What's the guys name?" Ann knew it wasn't her place to ask, but she couldn't help it. She was curious.

The puzzle pieces in her head all clicked together with a satisfying 'snap'.

A loud ring resonated throughout the small classroom, signaling the beginning of their next class.

The (H/C) haired girl looked up at the ceiling for a second, before grabbing her school bag off the ground and swinging it up to around her shoulder. She stood up and turned to Ann, a small smile on her face. "Well thanks for letting me talk to you, it's been awhile since I could just chat with someone. See you."

And with that, she had left.

Ann was sitting still, her emotions fuming bright with jealousy. THAT was the girl Akira loved? That bitch? He'd be better off with a damn plant than that blank slate of a human being!

He could do so much better with someone else. Someone like her. Someone like Ann.

"I hope you burn in hell, (Y/N) (L/N)."

(A/N) My friend keeps telling me I have a problem because the only guy I find attractive is Akira, which isn't healthy

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(A/N) My friend keeps telling me I have a problem because the only guy I find attractive is Akira, which isn't healthy. Do I really have a problem?

Meanwhile, three figures were watching the scenes from before and now.

"Is he really serious? What does he think he's doing?"

"I agree. His actions now are much more odd than normal, and it could potentially ruin his rehabilitation."

"Girls, please." A loud, deep chuckle could be heard. "This is all simply part of the plan. Just wait and watch."

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