Chapter 14

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(A/N) Fuck man I'm like a writing machine



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It’s been two weeks ever since the disappearance of (Y/N) (L/N).

Two weeks since she was kidnapped.

Two weeks since she had been taken by Akira Kurusu.

He still acted the same. As if he never stole her away, proclaimed his love to her, and vowed to keep her with him forever.

And it disgusted her.

“(Y/N), I’m back.” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The chain to the door became unlocked as the boy walked in, a silver tray in hand.

A simple meal of steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus could be seen on the platter. Akira had taken the liberty of bringing the girls meals to her every day, saying that she would simply try to escape if she was let out. Which of course was true, but he didn’t need to know that.

“Sorry about leaving you alone for so long. I trust that my guards have been taking good care of you?”

All Akira got was a small nod.

Akira had been gone the past half week, telling (Y/N) that he still had to present himself in the 'other world’ as to not seem suspicious.

But she didn't care. It wasn't as if it could help her get away from this prison.

Taking his seat on the bed beside her, Akira took a knife a began to cut the steak into small, bite-sized pieces.

Stabbing the juicy and pink tinted meat with a fork, he raised the utensil up to (Y/N)’s mouth.

“Now say ahhhh.”

In fear of what Akira might do if she were to say no, she obeyed. Opening her mouth by just the slightest bit, she watched as Akira fed her a sliver of meat.

A slight tinge of red merged on her cheeks. God this was fucking embarrassing. If it were any other situation, she would've slapped the other person and asked what the hell was wrong with them.

Although as much as she told herself she hated this, a small part was actually enjoying it. It felt nice not having to worry about anything. It honestly made her wonder if Akira actually did love her like he said he did, considering all that he’s done for her.

She quickly snapped out of her twisted thoughts.

This wasn't love, it couldn't be. It was a sick, lust filled obsession that he had grown for her- and she was scared of reciprocating it.

Soon after, Akira put the now empty plate on the nightstand besides them.

“I'm so glad you're here with me.” He mumbled under his breath, loud enough for (Y/N) to hear.

‘I wish I wasn't.’

“Just you and me, all together…”

He didn't have to finish the final word for (Y/N) to start moving away from the boy.

An awkward silence quickly floated around the two.

Swallowing down her fears, (Y/N) began to speak.

“Do you think anyone's going to come to save me?”

Akira looked over at the girl.

“Why do you ask that?”

“W-well, you said I've been missing for around two weeks, right? That means someone should be searching for me right now.”

“Like who?” Two yellow eyes narrowed. He didn't like where this conversation was heading.

“Maybe the police, or the government, or even those Phantom Thieves people-”

A frown bloomed onto Akira’s face, an almost nostalgic aura surrounding him.

“I’m surprised you even knew about the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.” He interrupted, turning his back to the girl. “They’ve still been active for quite a while now.”

Glimmers of hope grew inside of (Y/N)’s heart at his words.

“Then they’ll do something about this, right? They’ll help me escape this damn place!”

The boy went quiet for a moment.

Akira opened his mouth to speak, the infamous and sadistic smile on his face growing by the second.

“And how do you expect them to do that? I feel like they'd be a little more worried about the death of their teammate, don't you agree?”

(A/N) So I feel like i’m around a little over halfway done with this story? I already have the ending and epilogue all planned out, plus another scene that should come up in the next chapter

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(A/N) So I feel like i’m around a little over halfway done with this story? I already have the ending and epilogue all planned out, plus another scene that should come up in the next chapter. If I planned this all out right.


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