Chapter 18

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(A/N) Hey sorry for the wait with this chapter! I've been playing Persona Q2 and I've become obsessed send help

(A/N) Hey sorry for the wait with this chapter! I've been playing Persona Q2 and I've become obsessed send help

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At the corner of Akira’s would-be sombre lips was a crease of amusement. His yellow eyes held a hint of happiness and ecstasy, while he blinked briny tears from his eyes, his thick lashes stuck together in clumps as if he'd been swimming.

He was overjoyed. He had done it.

(Y/N) (L/N) was finally his.

He watched in pure joy as his darling eased into the hug, accepting the tender gesture. Her quivering smile had slowly turned down into an emotionless line, but Akira didn’t care. His head was too full of a blissful haze to even notice the girls stark and rigid movements.

Akira stayed in this position, his feet gradually swaying side to side with the beat of an invisible song. (Y/N) followed suit, her body feeling like a dolls as her arms loosely wavered along.

It was only then that those tender memories were starting to wring his neck so painfully.

“Sire!” A voice called out, as the figure of a knight quickly came into view. It was wearing a white mask, with two bloody red hearts where the eyes would be. The creature seemed to be drained of all energy, its body panting in exhaustion every couple seconds. Akira raised a brow at his servants odd behavior.

“There seems to be an intruder. We tried to capture them, but they seemed to be too fast and agile, almost like a shadow." The knight bowed down its head in shame and anguish.

Silence rapidly crept through the area, but only for a moment.

“What did you say?” Akira’s voice came out as nothing but a faint and deathly whisper. His fingers jerked as they released (Y/N)’s body and fell limp to his side. His breathing grew heavy, his pupils constricted like a cat.

This didn’t make any sense. The Phantom Thieves didn’t suspect a thing about this whole debacle, and no one except him and (Y/N) even knew about his palace.

“There was an intru-”

“Don’t fucking speak to me right now!” He emitted a deep grumble from the back of his throat, almost like a rabid animal would. Gripping chunks of his hair in irritation, he started to pace back and forth around the room.

In a fury of anger, Akira took out his dagger and threw it towards the servant, letting the blade settle deep into the center of the creatures monochrome mask. A large fracture formed, causing the servant to cry out in pain as its body began to disintegrate into dust. The sound was agonizing to Akira, who flinched at the high pitched scream emitting from their mouth. (Y/N) didn't react to the sharp noise. Her eyes followed Akira’s movements, her face expressionless.

Taking a moment to try and calm himself down, Akira closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It would be fine. This would all turn out fine. All he needed to do was find and kill the intruder, that's all. Akira chuckled under his breath, a smirk gnawing its way to the edge of his lips. As long as him and his darling were fine, then he truly didn't care what happened to the palace. Sure he'd have to find some new place for them to hide, but he would figure it all out. He has until now, right?

One little problem like this should be a piece of cake.

The lights inside the room flickered, as a maniacal laugh was set off nearby. The Phantom Thief, now having gained back what little sainty he has left, gently grabbed (Y/N) by the wrist. Her skin was rough, light pink and red blotches littered among her body like polka dots. Akira paid no mind to this detail, instead relishing in the skin to skin contact. His mind started taking him back to the better times as kids; The two of them playing tag, holding hands on the swings, sitting next to each other at lunch...

As much as he wished otherwise, he had to push back these thoughts for now.  This wasn't the time to look back on nostalgia.

Akira's eyes widened by a fraction as the lights flickered once again, their electrical energy running out. He knew this was the work of the intruder; he didn't have much time.

"(Y/N), come along now." He commanded, as if she had a choice. Stumbling across her own feet, (Y/N) followed Akira as he continued to hold her close.

Just as the two had begun to open the main door, an ever so familiar chuckle could be heard. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as shock crossed Akira's face, his mouth dropping open slightly.

"Shouldn't have taken your sweet time, Akira."

A gun cocked, as the safety pin was taken off. Red gloved hands aimed.

Time seemed to slow down.

A shout.

A scream.

A smirk.


(A/N) Notice how at the end I tried to get all poetic sounding askkjlcjka-

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(A/N) Notice how at the end I tried to get all poetic sounding askkjlcjka-

You can blame literally every the entire ost in Puella Magi Madoka Magica for that- (Especially Decretum and Puella in Somnio. Those songs always make me sad ;-;)

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