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"Aye, Ben told you he got Jamie pregnant?" Beanie asked and I nodded

"Yeah, but that ain't his baby"

I don't give a damn what nobody say, Jamie ain't pregnant with my boy's baby. She too big of a hoe, that baby could be anybody's. All that bitch do is fuck and suck

Beanie deeply sighed and laid back on my bed "y'all lil niggas need to keep y'all dicks in y'all pants"

"I'm straight. I'm done being a hoe"

"What?" Beanie questioned me as he quickly sat up "this girl must be the one"

"I ain say all of that now"

"Damn nigga, lemme find out"

He nudged me and I started laughing. Noel was a nice girl and to be honest, I like fuckin' with her. I thought that after I got what I wanted I could just drop her like I did every other bitch but for some reason, I want her to stick around

"She just different"

"Different huh?" Beanie said with a laugh and I could hear my momma come into the house yelling like usual

"Why these dishes ain't washed? I bet Kentrell sat his lazy ass around the house all day and ain' do shit"  she started ranting making me smack my lips

"Shut the fuck up sherhonda" I said out loud and beanie started laughing


"I'm so ready to see you next week" Madison ,one of my two best friends back in Arizona said as I sat on FaceTime with her and my other best friend, Aaliyah.

"I'm ready to see y'all two cause I got some shit to tell y'all"

"Is it about that boy you told us about?"

"Yeah, he's apart of it too" I told them with a shrug then shifted a little on the bed while groaning a little. Kentrell really messed my insides up

"Why you groaning like that?"

"I fell earlier" I lied. I didn't want them to know that I gave in to Kentrell that easy because I'm not even proud of myself for it

"Clumsy ass. I see you still ain't change" liyah said with a laugh and I rolled my eyes

"Whatever. Look, don't tell nobody that I'm coming home. I want it to be a surprise okay"

"You better hope somebody ain't told already" Liyah hinted, talking about Madison and she dropped her mouth open

"I didn't say anything to anybody... except one person"

"Who did you tell?"

Madison pursed her lips together and scratched her head "Trey"

My eyes nearly popped outta my head when she said Trey's name. Trey and I used to have a thing going on when I lived in Arizona but just as we were about to get serious, I ended up moving out here. I know it's only been like a month and a half since I've been out here but it feels like forever since we've seen each other so I know if I run into him it's gonna be weird

"You just had to open your mouth" liyah said to her and she shrugged

"He asked how you were doing, so it slipped up in our conversation"

"Well he has my phone number if he really wanted to know" I told them as I grabbed the styrofoam cup of ice I forgot I had sitting on my nightstand. The ice at the bottom was starting to melt but I didn't care

"Girl he ain't got no phone right now. He broke that when he got into a fight right after you left" Liyah informed me and I rose my eyebrow

"A fight? With who? Is he okay?"

Madison laughed a little, turning on her stomach "to say you got a whole new boo, you sound pretty concerned"

"I ain' lyin'" Liyah agreed. I made a face as I crunched on the ice then stuck up my middle finger. Their images on my phone screen went away as kentrell's FaceTime call interrupt our conversation

"I'll call them back later" I mumbled, answering kentrell's call. It started to connect and after a while kentrell's face popped up in the camera. He looked like he was sitting in a car and his eyes were low

"What took you so long to answer my call?"

"What?" I asked, confused "it was literally three seconds"

"Three seconds too long" he mumbled and looked closer into the camera "why you got on a hoodie? Way you at?"

I took my hood off and showed him the multiple hickeys he left on my neck earlier "that's why I got a hood on. I don't feel like hearin' Dana's mouth"

"Keep my name outta yo conversation lil girl" she yelled from the living room and I rolled my eyes. Kentrell bawled up his face and smacked his lips

"Tell her to mind ha' business. Ol nosey ass"

"She need to go to work"

"I need to do what?" Dana asked, walking into my room. I threw back on my hood and looked at her

"You heard what she said. Take yo' ass to work" Kentrell spoke loudly through the phone. Dana stopped and growled.

"I'm not even entertaining that lame ass boy. And both of y'all can shut the fuck up. Ion even work at Wal Mart nomore. I quit"

"She got fired" Kentrell immediately responded

"Does momma know?"

"It ain none of her business. I'm lookin' for a new job right now.. and if you tell her ima slit your throat while you sleep"

"You ain touchin' my girl" Kentrell told her and she stuck her finger up in the camera

"I do what the fuck I want to MY sister. Who you think you is nigga?"

"Noel know who I am, ain it"

I started laughing and Kentrell smirked. Dana looked at me then at the phone before snatching it out of my hand

"Dana, give me my phone" I yelled

"She'll call you back" she yelled into the phone before hanging it up then looked at me

"Why would you do that?"

"Noel... you havin' sex with this boy?"

I rolled my eyes and sat my cup down "are YOU havin' sex with him?"

"Bit- Girl... you better be lucky you my sister" she quickly switched up and walked over to me. She pulled my hood off and looked at my neck, shaking her head "you sad as hell. I thought you was better than that"

"Like you can talk"

She mugged me and muttered something before throwing my phone on my lap and walked out of the room, still talking shit


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