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Sunday, November 25

"When is Dana coming?" Elena asked as we finished unpacking.

As soon as we touched down back into Baton Rouge, the first thing we did was help Elena unpack all of her shit. We were gonna share a room and until tomorrow after school momma picks up her bed, were gonna share mine. Dana stayed behind for another night or two... shit, I don't know but as long as she's out of my face I don't care

"I don't even know. She can stay in Arizona for all I care" I responded and Elena laughed. We were in the house by ourself for the rest of the day and night because my momma had to go back to work

"Do all of those boys live next door?" Elena asked as she looked out the window and I shook my head

"No. Judah, the cute brownskin one, lives there"

"With the dimples?"

"Girl yes!" I answered as I walked over to the window and looked out of it as well. He was smiling and talking to his friends, showing off his dimples extra hard.

"He's fine as hell"

I looked at Elena and nodded "yes he is"

"Go talk to him" she said as she nudged me. I looked at Elena like she was crazy


"hUh? You heard me. You single right now"

I was about to say something but she was right. I am single so I do what I want.

"I'll be right back real quick"

"That's my sister" Elena hyped me up as I walked outside. The minute I closed the door behind me, the talking from next door died down and every boy in the yard looked over at me

"Brooks! Waddup shawty" Judah called out with a smile as he walked over to the fence that separated our yards. I walked over to him with a smile while he leaned against the fence

"How was your thanksgiving?"

"It was good, I guess" I told him with a shrug and he chuckled

"You guess? Last time I talked to you, you was hyped up bout takin' yo' ass home"

"I was, but. You know, Baton Rouge is starting to grow on me... even if I don't have friends around here"

Judah shook his head "don't say that. You know if you ever need a friend I'm right hea' next door"

"I'll remember that from now on"

He dug into the pocket of his sweats and pulled out his phone, unlocking it before giving it to me "how bout you give me yo number"

I grabbed the phone from him and put my number inside. As I handed Judah the phone back, I could hear the sound of a car pulling into our driveway

"There go your boy" Judah said with a laugh "I'll hit you up later"

I sighed and nodded as Judah walked back off to his friends.

"You just ain gone stop till I kill one of these niggas" I could hear Kentrell say as he got out the car, slamming the door behind him. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the fence to go into the house cause I really didn't have time. Why is he here in the first place?

"Noel I know you hear me talking to yo ass!" Kentrell fussed as he followed me into the house. I tried to close the door but he caught it and welcomed himself inside

"Hey, did he ask for my number?" Elena asked as she walked up to me. I looked at her strange for a second but then I caught on

"Yeah. I gave it to him" I lied straight through my teeth. She started cheesing and Kentrell immediately got quiet, looking at her

"Who is you?"

"Her sister. Any more questions?" Elena responded and Kentrell arched up his left brow, shaking his head before grabbing my hand

"Why you touching me? I really don't even want you near me Kentrell"

"Ion give a fuck bout what you want"

I scoffed and snatched my hand away "go talk to that bitch Daejah like that cause you got me fucked up"

"You really bout to bring this shit up?" He asked, annoyed and I crossed my arms, walking off into the kitchen while Elena turned on the tv

Kentrell followed behind me into the kitchen and walked up behind me as I bent over to grab my Gatorade that I had in there from our flight. Once I felt his body pressed up against mine, I immediately jumped up and scowled at him

"Back away from me. I'm not playing" I told him with a serious tone while I pointed my finger at him. Kentrell started chuckling and rubbed his hands together

"Noel stop playin' wimme"

"No Kentrell, I'm not playing. That's what you fail to realize. You think I was gonna come back from break and pretend like shit was sweet when we last saw each other. Well it's not! You fucked up and I'm DONE"

"You ain't DONE" he retorted, now getting upset. He really has a short temper

"Got me fucked up" I muttered while I untwisted the cap off of my Gatorade and took a sip. Kentrell snatched it from me and sat the bottle on the counter before backing me against the adjacent one

"And you think I forgot about that lil snap you posted the other day. You let them lame ass friends of yours boost yo head up out there when they don't know that I'll fuck you up and shoot that bitch ass nigga"

I smacked my lips and tried to push him away "Kentrell Whatever. You mad for what? Last time I checked you ain't my nigga. You better go talk to one of your lil girlfriends like that cause I know for a fact you ain talking to me"

"See-" he started but immediately stopped. Just when I thought he finally gave up, instead this nigga decides to get physical. Kentrell roughly grabbed my shirt and pulled me into him. He wore a mug on his face while he continued to stretch my T-shirt out. He's lucky this is an old shirt

"If I EVER catch you looking at, talking to or even breathing close to another nigga I'll have yo' ass 6 feet under. Don't play Noel"

I clenched my teeth and swallowed hard. I tried my hardest to avoid all eye contact with him but it was so hard because this nigga was burning his eyes through me.

"Let go of me and get out of my house" I told him in the calmest voice ever, looking to my right. He slowly released his grip from my shirt and once he finally let go, he continued to glare at me

"Bet. And like I said once, lemme catch you with another nigga" he warned me one last time before storming off.

I could hear him exchange a few words with Elena then walk out the door, slamming it behind him so once I felt like he was gone for sure, I finally breathed. What the hell did I really get myself into? LIKE SERIOUSLY


Quick question which one would you choose if you had to make a choice

A nice college boy or a Mean hood nigga?

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