Twenty One

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Friday, December 14th

It was finally the weekend and just when I thought I was over this tired ass school, Kentrell decided that he wanted to go to the home basketball game tonight. I told him I didn't wanna go at first but he eventually talked me into it. Oya wasn't too big about basketball games so she didn't come and Elena was busy somewhere with Kd but she said they were gonna come to the game as well

I sat on the trunk of kentrell's car as he stood beside me, standing amongst his friends smoking. They just had to smoke before we entered the game

"Noel" Kentrell called out my name which caused me to look up from my phone. He held the blunt in my face "you wanna hit it?"

"I'm good" I politely declined and he just looked at me while smoke escaped his lips. After all the smoke was gone, he passed the blunt to his homeboy beanie, the one friend I rarely see, and dapped them all up. Once Kentrell dapped them all up he helped me off of his car and grabbed my hand, escorting me to the entrance of the gym.

After paying we went through hella security before we could enter the game

"Are all those metal detectors necessary?" I asked Kentrell and he shook his head

"Nah. But if it make they asses feel better they gone use all this shit"

"That's crazy" I muttered as we finally entered the actual gym. The bleachers were full of talking and yelling, people stood around as well talking and carrying on. Kentrell kept a hold on my hand as he made his way through the people and I followed. We went all the way to the other end of the gym and he spotted some empty seats close to the top.

"Of course you would wanna climb stairs when I have on my boots" I complained, referring to the black velvet thigh high boots I wore tonight. He chuckled and started his way up the steps so I had no choice but to follow. We reached our seats and as I sat down I could feel eyes staring into me but I just chose to ignore it

"Why you all bawled up like you cold or some?" Kentrell asked me and I looked at him

"That's because I am. I was just sitting outside with you and your friends"

"Oh. You need to start wearing clothes instead of tryina be cute"

"Whatchu mean. I have on clothes"

"This thin ass shirt" he replied while pulling on my shirt. I smacked my lips and slapped his hand

"Shut up"

Kentrell started laughing and threw his arm across my shoulder, pulling me close to him while watching the game. I laid my head on his shoulder and started watching as well. I could hear somebody loudly stomping up the stairs which caused me to look and I saw that it was Daejah, Jamie and two other girls. Daejah continued to glare at me from the minute she laid eyes on me up until they finally made their way pass us up to the top

"Daejah, that's the bitch?" I could hear one girl ask and Daejah started laughing

Kentrell deeply sighed and looked at me but I just kept my head on his shoulder and looked at the game. For a while I could hear them still talking shit loudly behind us and occasionally Kentrell would say something to them but all it did was start little arguments. I was really trying my best to ignore them but this was really starting to get on my nerves

"Aye, you straight?" Kentrell asked me and I nodded. I was now sitting up straight and my leg was going 100. If I heard one more comment I was going off

"Noel" he called out my name but I didn't answer. Instead of just leaving me alone like I hoped he would, Kentrell wrapped his arms around me and started kissing on my face

"Kentrell stop, I'm not in the mood" I told him while laughing and I tried to push his face away

Eventually he stopped kissing all on my face and went straight to my lips, repeatedly pecking them

"You think you slick huh?" I asked him while backing up a little


"Kissing on him and don't know where his lips been" Daejah said out loud

That's fucking it!

Kentrell smacked his lips and muttered something but I just pushed him off of me and turned around to look back at Daejah

" what's the problem? Please let me know"

Daejah started laughing and flipped her hair "Noel. Baby you might wanna pipe down cause I really will shame you"

"Shame me how?" I asked standing up. That's when people nearby began to look and honestly I didn't care "Just cause you went and sucked a lil dick"

"Umm Kentrell you better getcha lil hoe forreal cause she comin' at my bitch wrong" Jamie butted in while Daejah stood up, making her way down the stairs to me

"And why are you so invested in me too?" I asked Jamie "instead of worrying bout what me and Kentrell got goin' on, you need to worry about telling Ben that baby ain't his. I overheard y'all conversation one day"

Jamie tried to make her way down the steps at me but one of the girls she was with held her back. Instead of dealing with her, I had to deal with Daejah. She reached and yanked my hair, causing the both of us to start fighting.

I began swinging and hitting Daejah with lick after lick while she clutched onto my hair with one hand and used the other one to hit me

"Aye Hell Nah. Let her hair go" Kentrell yelled as he tried to loosen Daejah's grip from my hair but she wouldn't let go. I pushed Daejah back hard as hell and climbed on top of her, punching her in the face repeatedly. People were standing around recording on their phones but I didn't care. I was constantly being provoked and I finally reached my breaking point

While I was getting the best of Daejah, I felt my hair being yanked back and I was punched in the head causing Kentrell to get ready to hit whoever that was until I heard a familiar voice cursing and yelling. The person shot pass me and immediately started fighting whoever pulled my hair. It was Elena. I don't know what was going on except the fact that I was still beating the shit out of Daejah, but this one on one fight ended up a big brawl. Elena was fighting, Kentrell was now fighting some guy and all of his friends came out of nowhere fighting as well.

"HEY BREAK IT UP!" A man yelled while I was pulled off of Daejah. My hands were pulled behind my back and I was placed in handcuffs

"Try and jump my fucking sister again!" I could hear Elena yell while I was escorted through the crowd and down the steps. The basketball players stopped playing and were busy looking at the brawl as well. I just stayed quiet and complied with the man while he took me out of the game and outside


"I should've gotten there earlier! Ion know who them two bitches was but when I see them again I want my fucking round!" Elena fussed as paced back and forth in the bedroom

None of us weren't arrested or anything but we all are getting suspended on Monday. Usually I would feel bad about it but right now I didn't care. I've been too quiet and held my peace for too long.

"I don't even wanna talk about this nomore" I bluntly told her while sitting back on the bed, laying back on Kentrell. My momma was at work and Dana was out... at whatever job she has now I'm guessing. Kentrell was still obviously upset about the whole situation but he'll be fine

"You talked to Kd?" Kentrell asked Elena and she nodded

"Yeah. I texted him not too long ago. He should be on his way over here"

Kentrell looked at me "you straight?"

"Yeah. I'm perfectly fine" I mumbled. I turned to lay on my side and wrapped my arms around him, snuggling up to him "I'm just over this shit right now and all I want to do is take a nap"

"Well we got a whole week to take a nap sis" Elena butted in and I smacked my lips, sticking my finger up at her making her and Kentrell both laugh

"Fuck y'all" I muttered before burying my face into kentrell's shirt and closed my eyes

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