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Thursday, November 22

"I'm so damn hungry" liyah groaned as we sat in the living room of my grandmas house on our phones

"Me too" Madison agreed while patting her stomach "I should've ate breakfast before I came over"

Liyah looked over at Madison and shook her head "Fuck breakfast. I gotta starve myself till the food done. It's thanksgiving sis"

I laughed and shook my head, texting Oya. My girl was in Africa living her best life for thanksgiving break meanwhile I'm just chilling. After drinking so much when I first got here, I spent all of yesterday morning with a bad hangover therefore I know what I'm NOT doing again. What was even worse was the fact that I had dozens of snaps from not only Kentrell, but his friends as well. I chose not to open them because im not changing my mind about me and Kentrell. If he fucked up once he'll most definitely do it again and I don't have time for that

"Who you over there texting? That boy?" Madison asked and I frowned up my face

"Hell no! Fuck him"

"Ooh, you ladies are looking cute today" my momma said to us as she walked down the stairs and into the living room

"When do we not look good ma" liyah asked and she started laughing before walking into the kitchen. The door opened and in walked Dana

"The princess is here" she yelled, throwing her hands up with a smile which made me roll my eyes. This girl has been mia since we got here and she finally decided to show up... with her old friends following behind her

"I see somebody ain't change" liyah mumbled while keeping her face in the phone and I laughed, nudging her

"Dana!" My grandma said with a smile as she walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a rag "My big ol baby. I was wondering if you were gonna show up"

"You know I was gonna come, only for you grandma" she responded while hugging her. Grandma then went and greeted Dana's friends and then they followed her into the kitchen

"That bitch better not stick them dirty ass fingers in none of the food"

Madison laughed and stood up "as long as she don't touch the banana pudding ion care what she do"

"How do y'all eat that shit?" Liyah asked with her face bawled up. She absolutely hated banana pudding.. well she hated bananas period.

"Your taste buds just off" Madison responded

"Just like your brain"

Madison frowned and walked off to go towards the bathroom.

It wasn't too long before everybody started showing up to the house for thanksgiving bringing their dishes, drinks, games and uninvited guest. I couldn't complain about having uninvited guest too much because my grandmas house was one of those places where everyone was welcome and every holiday she always invited the whole community

"How you liking it down in Louisiana?" My uncle, Jamal's girlfriend, Andrea, asked as we stood around in the kitchen

"It's cool.. I guess. I'm still getting used to things"

"That's understandable. It took me a while to get used to being out here in hot ass Arizona when I first moved from Massachusetts. But I think it's all about making the best out of your move. Find some decent friends and maybe, hopefully you'll find a boyfriend or something" she told me with a smile. I laughed and shook my head

"THAT, can wait. I don't have time for those boys out there right now"

Andrea laughed and nodded "there's always time. Wait as long as you want"

"Noel!" Joyah, one of Dana's friends that I actually like, called me which made both Andrea and I look. She motioned for me to come over to her so I did so, leaving Andrea behind

"Look who's here" she told me with a smile as I walked over, noticing trey standing with her.

Trey's family and mine have been close for years, since we were little therefore they were practically at every family event so I wasn't too surprised to see him here.

"You sober today I see" trey said with a laugh and I laughed as well, giving him a hug. He showed up at Liyah's sister's house after I was already drunk. We didn't do anything but the whole night he was flirting with me, acting as if we could pick up where we left off

"Yeah, we didn't even get to have a normal conversation cause I was already fucked up by the time you got there"

"Well we still got time" he replied as he finally released me from the hug and grabbed my hand, nodding off towards the back door. I followed behind him as he went outside to the back. We sat over on the chairs by the outside fireplace my grandma had installed a few years ago

"You know I missed you right?" Trey started as he sat back against the chair, draping his arm across the back

"You missed me? I surely couldn't tell"

"My phone got fucked up and I sent it to the people but they ain send it back yet. But I asked Madison about you every day"

"You did?"

He nodded and licked his lips "Yeah. You should've known I would check on you. No matter what, you still my babygirl.. even if you went and found you a new nigga"

"Huh?" I asked, confused

"Noel I know you fuckin with another nigga" trey told me with a laugh "he was blowin' up yo snap that night too"

I shook my head then scratched it "I'm not fuckin' with Kentrell. Well not anymore.."

He nodded and just looked at me for a while. A smile crept up his face and I could clearly see his grills shining brightly

"What about you? I wouldn't be too surprised if you found another girl to entertain as soon as I left"

He smacked his lips and shook his head "ion want none of these bitches and you know that"

"Yeah right" I mumbled and he smacked his lips

"Don't play. You know you always been the only girl I ever wanted. And once I finally got yo ass, you wanna move away"

"It's not my fault though"

"I know, that's why I can't be mad. But I'm always down for a trip if you ever need me while you out there"

I laughed and shook my head

"I bet so"

"Trey, you better watch out. She left you for another nigga" Dana said as she walked outside with a cup in her hand. I rolled my eyes and trey looked at Dana, not responding

"Mind your business cause you'on know shit" I told her and trey then started chuckling

"Whatchu out here for?" Trey asked her and she stopped walking, making a face at him

"You lucky I got respect for you" she told him before walking back into the house. All I could do was shake my head

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