Fourty Six

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Thursday, May 17

"Miss Brooks, what are your plans after high school?"

I just sat back in the chair across from the guidance counselor, looking her straight in the face. Fucking around with Kentrell this morning I was high as shit. I didn't hit the blunt or anything, he picked me up extra early this morning so we could go eat breakfast and before we went in he decided to smoke a blunt inside the car, not wanting to roll the windows down so now I have to suffer.

"Stuff" I finally answered her as I chewed on a piece of mint gum that Elena gave me. She made a face, not pleased with my answer so she leaned forward on the desk and propped both of her arms on it

"Did you fill out any college applications?"


"To which schools?"

"It's confidential" I calmly responded and she scoffed a little

"Confidential? So you're not gonna tell me what schools you applied to?.... honestly, did you even apply to any schools?"

"If I did why does it matter to you? You ain't somebody ima see after I get outta this hellhole so it ain't your business to know"

"Excuse me? Miss Brooks it's my job to do this. I'm here to make sure you have a plan after high school as well as making sure you stay on the right track in school"

I smacked my lips "you surely ain't doing your job then. Before this whack ass meeting today, the last time I saw you was when I got my schedule on my first day and since then I've been suspended twice for fighting, I was practically bullied by every girl in this school and I left for basically two weeks to fly back home due to death in the family. And now that your bosses looking to make sure you talk to every senior about post-secondary plans you tryina pull me in for this last minute meeting to seem like you give a fuck. Well you wasted your time and mine cause you ain't getting shit outta me. Now I gotta go" I told her in the chillest tone as I stood up and put my bookbag on then smiled at her "I'll see you on June 2 at graduation"

And with that I headed out of her office, leaving her there surprised by what I said. I bopped my way down the hall back to my English class, knowing my sister was probably waiting on me


"I can't believe that lady got me sent home" I said as I smacked my lips and sat back in the seat of kentrell's car. He snatched the referral from me and looked at it while shaking his head

"You just had to fuck up before graduation huh?" He asked with a laugh handing it back to me "yo momma gone whoop yo ass"

"Nigga I'm GROWN"

"Ight. Keep that same energy later on when you tell her" he told me as he kept his eyes on the road, laughing a little. I sat the seat back a little bit more and pulled the strings on my hoodie while groaning a little

"What wrong witchu?"


Kentrell quickly looked over at me, pressing the brakes "who you gettin loud with"

I looked at him and started cracking up "you stopping in the middle of the road ain't affecting nobody but you and the cars behind you"

He put the car in park and we just sat there, not paying attention to the people behind us blowing their horns.

"I mean we can sit here all day. I don't have anything else to do" I shrugged and he put the car in drive, eventually driving off

"You lucky I got places to be"

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