Twenty Six

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Tuesday, December 31

It was New Year's Eve and Elena and I had the house to ourselves. My grandma wanted to visit New Orleans so momma took her out there for a day and Dana, she's wherever. I still couldn't believe she was pregnant and the question of who her baby daddy was out of the question because being that she was 3 months along, she was pregnant before we moved out here.

"Noel, my bro finally out the doghouse yet?" Boomer asked me as we sat around in my backyard. I looked back at Kentrell, who's lap I was sitting in, and arched my left brow up

"Are you?"

"Hell Yeah, fuck you mean"

"I bet he is off of punishment. Specially after the other night" Kd spoke with a grin and I bawled my face up at him

"What happened the other night?" Baby joe asked, sitting up a little and I rolled my eyes while Kentrell was just chilling with a smirk on his face. Elena threw her legs on Kd's lap and he started to speak again

"All ima say is somebody ate a cookie on Christmas Eve and it wasn't Santa clause"

"Nigga Shutcho stupid ass up" Kentrell said as he started cracking up along with everybody; meanwhile I put my face in my hands

"I hate you, big eared fucker" I told Kd and he chuckled. The back door opened and Ben walked outside with two brownies in his hand, one was half eaten

"Aye, these brownies good as hell"

"Kentrell's gonna kill you" I muttered and Kentrell looked at Ben, immediately frowning up his face

"Why yo' black ass eatin' my shit"

Ben stopped chewing, looked at Kentrell then finished chewing before sitting back down on the steps of the porch

"These yours?"

"No shit nigga" Kentrell responded and I laughed

"My grandma made them for him specifically"

"Well you missing two.. or three" Ben told kentrell with a shrug "I'm surprised she even like yo' ass. Noel must've didn't tell her bout you fuckin' another bitch on her"

"Why would I tell her that stupid" I immediately responded and Ben shrugged

"Fuckin dummy" Kentrell muttered. I shifted on his lap just a little and turned to look at him. Well the only thing I really noticed were his lips

"Can I get a kiss?"

I leaned in towards him until our lips met. I repeatedly kissed him until I heard Ben's nosey and childish ass talking

"I remember when y'all first started texting and look at y'all now. All in love and shit. All because of me"

"You know how to put everybody on except yourself" Boomer said to Ben, making us all laugh. I looked at Kentrell's watch and saw that it was only 10:30 at night

"I'm bout to get me a soda, I'll be back" I informed them all before getting up and I headed into the house. My first destination was to the fridge like so planned so I rummaged through the stuff until I found a nice cold sprite can in the back. Just as I stood up straight and closed the fridge I heard the backdoor open and close. Kentrell walked into the house

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he just shook his head as he made his way to me. Kentrell wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed on my neck slowly

"You just can't keep your hands to yourself?"

"Umm mhhh" Kentrell muttered then picked me up. I started laughing while he sat me on the counter and started kissing me

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