Thirty two

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"What's taking them so long?" I asked for the 3rd time. Boomer, Beanie and Ben went to go bail Kentrell out of jail and so far they've been gone for what seemed like hours

"Just relax Noel. They probably on the way" Elena assured me as she sat back on the chair, on the phone with Kd at the same time. He and baby joe were both at sherhonda's house and from what he told us, she could care less about her son getting attested

There was a knock on the door so I went to answer it and saw boomer, beanie and Ben standing there.

"Where's Kentrell?"

Boomer shook his head and sighed as they walked into the house

"We couldn't bail him out"

"Why not!? From what y'all told me, it was basically self defense" I fussed and both beanie and boomer sat on the chair while Ben stood up beside me

"It was self defense but that's not the problem..." Ben started and I waited for him to finish, however beanie finished for him

"The problem is he violated his probation"

"Probation? What probation?" I asked confused. All three of them looked at me in the same way

"Yb ain tell you? He went to jail a while back for the same shit. The judge put him on probation and next month would've been his last month on it but now ain no tellin" Beanie informed me and I exasperated deeply, placing both of my hands over my face

"What the fuck! So what you're saying is that there's a possibility that trell could do some time?"

Beanie slowly nodded and I bit the insides of my cheeks. The door opened and both my momma and Dana walked in with smiles and giggles

"Hey y'all ... Where's Kentrell?"

"In her room sleep probably" Dana replied to my momma while rubbing her belly and I shook my head

"Kentrell got arrested"

Both of their faces dropped once I told them the news

"What the hell? What did he do?" Momma asked and Elena stood up, walking over to us

"It was self defense... but he was on probation for an incident that happened before and you know how that goes"

"Wow! Did y'all tell his momma?"

"When it comes to sherhonda, she don't care unless it concerns teelee or kendell" Ben told her while throwing his arm across Dana's shoulder and she slapped it off

My momma shook her head and sighed "well she can keep worrying about them. But what I'm not about to do is let that baby sit in a cell"

She pulled out her phone and started dialing somebody's number

"What you gonna do ma?" Dana asked

"Remember Derek, the guy from church?"

"The one you was busy flirting with" Elena joined in and she rolled her eyes

"ANYWAYS! He's a lawyer and I can see if he'll help Kentrell out real quick"

"Whatever will get my baby out faster" I told her while scratching my head, watching her as she called him


Friday, February 7

"Mr. Gaulden, I see yet again you're back in my court room. From now on I'm just gonna start saying welcome home" the judge picked as she sat the papers down and adjusted her glasses. Kentrell had a court date today and thankfully my momma's friend was willing to help him

The judge looked down at the papers and made a face before looking up "Assault yet again. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Kentrell stayed quiet with his natural mug on his face. He wore his hands cuffed behind his back and he stood alongside Derek

"Your honor.." Derek spoke "what happened between my client and the young lady was simply an act of self defense. She came onto his property and refused to leave after being asked multiple times. She then verbally and physically attacked Mr Gaulden so he had no choice but to defend himself"

"OR!" The other lawyer spoke in Daejah's defense "Mr Gaulden could have simply called the police instead of putting his hands on yet another female"

"She sound stupid as shit" Kd muttered and my momma nudged him.The judge nodded and Derek spoke up

"How could have that been possible when he's trying to defend himself. Let's be forreal here. If someone was to come at you and hit you repeatedly wouldn't you have done the same thing-"

"HOWEVER! Mr Gaulden already knew that he wasn't in a position that he couldn't have gotten in anymore trouble"

"Yes my client did know that" Derek told the lady as he walked into the middle of the floor "but the young lady knew this as well. It was told to me that not only did she know about his predicament but she also repeatedly taunted him about it. Throwing it up in his face whenever they had an encounter"

"She taunted him?" The other lawyer asked Derek with a laugh and placed one hand on her hip "so you seriously believe that this young lady who is merely 130 pounds could taunt such a guy like Mr Gaulden. Based on his records and looks, I could say that that is beyond unbelievable. He doesn't even seem fazed by the fact that he's standing over there in handcuffs so I'm pretty sure he could care less about being taunted as so you say"

Everyone in the courtroom's eyes shifted over to Kentrell and she wasn't lying. He was just chilling in his handcuffs, looking extra daddish.

"Since you want to bring up my client's records let's bring up Miss Alexander's records. Violence is basically her middle name"

A smirk went across Kentrell's face as Derek started to go on about Daejah's records and they started to go back and forth for a while longer. The more they began to argue, the more my stomach turned. I was probably more nervous than anyone else was. Kentrell looked like he was zoned out, my momma seemed to be mostly focused on Derek, Elena, kd and the rest of the guys were busy making their remarks every time the other lawyer said something they didn't like. I guess the judge ended up getting tired of hearing it so she finally slammed down her gavel catching their attention.

"I think I've heard enough... now mr Gaulden. I'm gonna rule in your favor about the self defense. Speaking realistically, from what I've heard today you didn't do anything wrong because miss Alexander didn't have any right putting her hands on you first. However, you did violate your probation. Since it's stated here that you only had a month left of probation, you will be spending that time at the detention center. Hopefully after this I won't be seeing you in my courtroom but I won't get my hopes too high.... case dismissed"

A month in jail. What was I gonna do without Kentrell for a month. I closed my eyes and let out a breath as one of the officers walked over to Kentrell. He looked back at us and smiled

"I love you Kentrell"

"I love you too shawty... it'll be over before you know it"

I bit my lip and watched as they took him away. Once he was gone I huffed and scratched my hair

"Come on Noel. Let's get outta here" Elena told me as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and followed her out of the courtroom while my momma stayed behind and talked to Derek

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