Short flick

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Tuesday, February 4

Although I had school today, I just couldn't go. I was cramping like hell and I felt like I was about to die. This wasn't it. Elena went to school, my momma was gone for work and Dana was at whatever job she has so I was home alone dying.

"Stupid ass Mother Nature" I groaned as I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed the bottle of muscle relaxers. I popped two and took a big gulp of water before snuggling up to one of my pillows

"I need a body pillow. This shit ain't cuttin' it"

"Noel!" I could hear my name being yelled as a door opened and closed. It wasn't nobody but Kentrell, but the real question is HOW did he get in my house?

His footsteps led to my room and soon enough he came bopping his way in

"Why the fuck you ain at school?"

"How the fuck did you get in my house?" I responded back, my face buried deep into my pillow.

"I got my ways.. I'm a professional blacksmith" he told me as he flopped onto the bed beside me, interrupting my perfect sleeping position

"It's a locksmith dumbass and MOVEEE!" I fussed, trying to push him away which made him look at me funny

"The hell wrong witchu?"

"What's wrong with me? Adam and Eve just had to go do some fuck shit and now because of them I get to have my insides feeling like they're being ripped apart and 3-5 days straight of bleeding out of my vagina. Shall I explain more?"

Kentrell's face frowned up as he looked at me "ewww. You should've kept that shit to yourself"

"Well you asked!" I argued then turned the other way so my back was to him and he laughed

"Well think about the bright side of this while situation"

I turned over on my back and glared at him "What fucking bright side Kentrell?"

"We know you ain't pregnant"

I smacked my lips and he burst out laughing so I picked up a pillow and hit him with it

"Get out my house"

"This ain even yo' house. Now get outcha feelings. At least yo' shit ain gone be on on Valentine's Day" he said with a smirk plastered on his face

"Of course all you thinking 'bout is sex right now while I'm over here dying"

"You ain dying. Chill out"

Kentrell lifted my shirt just a little and started rubbing my stomach. My phone started ringing which made me groan. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed it off of the charger, seeing who was calling me

Would like to FaceTime....

"Fuck she callin you for? Ain her ass 'posed to be in school?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Kentrell as I answered the call "aren't you supposed to be in school?"

He muttered something under his breath and liyah's face popped up in the camera. She looked like she was in the bed as well

"Bitch! You in the bed too?"

I nodded "yes! These cramps won't let me live"

"Oh no, I can't relate right now.. they just cancelled school for the day" she responded with a shrug "I'm surprised you ain't laid up witcho rude ass boyfriend"

I turned the camera on Kentrell and he stuck his finger up in it, making me laugh. Liyah smacked her lips and frowned up her face

"You know what, you the rudest nigga I ever met"

"I take that as a compliment" Kentrell responded to liyah as he started rubbing my stomach again

"So y'all two all boo'd up while everybody gone to work and school"

"No... actually I was cuddling with my pillow before this criminal broke into my house"

Kentrell looked at me and pulled my pillow from under my head

"Why would you do that asshole?" I asked with a frown

"Shutcho ass up" he muttered while he got up and headed out of the room

"Where you going?"

"To the kitchen. I'm hungry"

I rolled my eyes and looked back into the camera at Liyah who was shaking her head


"Bitch you in love"

"And where exactly did this come from?" I asked, furrowing my brows. Liyah made a face at me before talking again

"Noel. I've known you since we was little. You're in love"

I rolled my eyes and started laughing "yes! Okay. I'm in love. I didn't know it could happen but Kentrell got me. I don't know what he did to me but the only way he can go anywhere is if I kill him"

"Yeah this gotta be real cause I never thought I'd hear you talk like that"

"I never thought I'd talk like that either" I mumbled with a laugh. Liyah started grinning

"Look at my best friend... growing up and shit"

"Chill outtt..." I told her while laughing and she laughed as well before we started another conversation

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