Twenty two

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Sunday, December 15

"I'm so glad y'all could come to church with us today" Taneal, one of my momma's coworkers said to us with a smile as we stood outside of the church

"We enjoyed the service and we might be back soon" my momma spoke for all of us and Dana muttered something under her breath, causing momma to nudge her

"Great! Well I gotta go help in the kitchen. You sure y'all don't want a plate?"

"Oh no. We're good"

"Alright, I'll talk to you later" taneal told my momma before walking her way back into the church. I watched her feet as she tried to walk in the heels. Either she rarely wear heels or her feet was hurting because the way she was walking right now was funny as hell.

"Stop watching that lady and come on" Elena said to me as she tapped my arm and I laughed, walking with her towards the car. The four of us piled back up inside and left the church. We rode in silence for a few seconds and Dana started up a whole conversation

"Man I'm so hungry right now. They had us in that church all day"

"Girl bye" my momma responded "it was only an hour and a half"

"How do you know" I butted in and Elena agreed

"Right. You was busy flirting with that man in front of you"

Momma rolled her eyes and wore a slight smirk on her face "I was not flirting. He asked to borrow my pen and I gave it to him"

Dana looked her her and waved her off "momma ain nobody dumb. We were all sitting right beside you. Every time the preacher said something he looked back at you waiting for you to co-sign. He made sure he you was the first person he spoke to after church was over, inviting you back for bible study on Wednesday AND he ignored every pen that was offered to him just because he wanted your lil pen. You adults are so corny"

"Very" I actually agreed with Dana. Momma started laughing

"All of y'all shut up and find out where y'all wanna go eat dinner at"

"Let's go to red lobster" Dana suggested and Elena frowned up her face

"No. Let's go to Golden Corral. I wanna buffet"

"That nasty ass buffet" momma said with her brow raised. Dana and I burst into laughter

"Let's go to outback" I offered. I really was craving a steak anyways

"I guess we can go there" momma agreed with me, stopping at a light. After a 10 minute drive and a 15 minute wait we were finally seated at a table. The server, Dj, had already gotten our drinks and now he was taking our order

"Ight give me a while and I'll have y'all food out" he told us then looked over at me with a smile before walking off. Once he was gone to the back I realized that everybody was looking at me.


"Don't What us. We saw how he just looked at you" momma told me with her left brow arched up. I rolled my eyes then shook my head

"I do not want him"

"I would hope not. Especially with how crazy Kentrell is" Elena added, cutting a slice off of the bread and ate it

"What's up with you and him? Are yall dating or what?" Momma asked and I shrugged

"The world may never know"

Kentrell and I weren't dating but my momma didn't need to know that. Especially if he still comes around like we are. Although he was doing good I wasn't giving in too easy with him. Kentrell is gonna have to work

"No, the real question is what's up with you and Kd?" I said to Elena. She stopped eating her bread and looked at us


"Don't play dumb now now that the spotlight is on you" momma told her and she rolled her eyes

"Me and Kd ain't got nothin going on... yet"

"Yet.. y'all got something going on if he dropping you off at 3 in the morning"

Elena dropped her mouth open and we all started laughing "it wasn't even three. It was one thirty"

"Mhmm. Sound like Noel right now"

"Leave me outta this" I told them with a frown and I received a text message from Kentrell

You and Elena pull up

-we out eating rn

When y'all done dumbass



"Kd better be over here since he ain't texting me back" Elena muttered as we pulled at Kentrell's house. Like always, his momma and his sister's cars were gone

"I'm pretty sure he's over here use Kentrell told the both of us to come"

"Orr.. Kentrell was lazy and didn't feel like coming out today so he just used me to get your non-driving ass a ride over here"

I frowned and stuck up my finger before getting out. The house door immediately opened and Kd walked out with his phone to his ear

"Elena bout to curse you out" I told him as I headed towards the door and he mushed my upside the head

"Shut up"

"So you can't answer my text messages cause you on the phone" she started while I just shook my head, entering the house. It was quiet all inside, except for the tv that played in the living room.

"Kentrell" I called out his name while going down the hall towards his room. Once I got to his room door it opened and he stood there shirtless, rubbing his eyes

"Awe you look so cute and innocent" I told him as I walked into the room and Kentrell closed the door behind me

"Fuck you got on that tight ass dress for?"

"It's not even tight" I defended myself while looking down at the dress "besides, I wore this to church"

He laid back down on the bed while looking at me "that's 'posed to make it better?"

"You know what, I'm grown"

"Shutcho ass up. You ain Shit" Kentrell muttered while I took my shoes off and got into the bed with him. He wrapped his arm around me and laid his head on my chest while closing his eyes.

"I know you didn't call me over here just to go to sleep"

"Mhmm" he muttered and I smacked my lips

"Get off me. I'm bout to tell Elena to let's go"

"Elena bout to go down the road to Kd house and get some dick"

I slapped Kentrell upside the head and he chuckled a little

"Kentrell get up or else I'm leaving forreal"

"You ain goin nowhere"

"Wanna Bet"

He didn't respond. I pushed his head and he still didn't say anything

"Kentrell...... desean!.. KEN-TRELL!"

I could hear his light snores, making me roll my eyes. I can't stand his stupid ass

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