Short flick

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( From now on, I might just do some short flicks every now and then with parts that I cut out of my drafts😭)


After being at Oya's house practically all night, it was finally time for me to head home so I just let Kentrell take me home since we were on good terms again.

"Text or call me when you get home, Okay" I told kentrell before reaching over to kiss him one time

"I gotchu"

"Drive safely"

He nodded and I got out of the car, making my way to the house. It was real late, therefore outside was very chilly right now and I failed to bring a jacket so I hurried to the door. Dana's car wasn't here so at least I knew that was one less aggravation. Once I picked the right key out to open the door, I unlocked it and hurried inside

"Shit" I muttered under my breath, meeting my momma's eyes as I looked across the living room. She was bawled up on one of the sofas drinking some tea in a mug while she watched tv

"I see you're back. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. Her momma put some crazy spices on that food and it was so good. Especially the crab legs with the melted butter"

She laughed a little while putting the cup to her lips "the bathroom is gonna be your best friend lil girl"

I laughed as well and she patted the seat next to her

"Come sit down"

I looked at her for a second then slowly made my way over to her, taking the seat just like she said. I already knew she was gonna bring up what Dana said earlier about me having sex with Kentrell but I mean it already happened so fuck it

"I already know what you wanna talk about ma"

She breathed a little and looked over at me "Noel, don't think I'm disappointed in you or anything. Cause I'm not. Everybody moves at their own pace in relationships and shit but I just want YOU to make sure you ain't moving too fast"

"But Dana-"

"Don't pay Dana's ass any attention!" She immediately cut me off "that girl can't talk about NOBODY! I just ask, don't let nobody mess up your life"

"I promise you I won't ma. Trust me" I assured her and she let off a smile before hugging me

"I love you soooo much babygirl"

"I love you too ma... now you need to go get some rest cause I'm sure you work tomorrow night"

She laughed and nodded "I do. But I can't. As much as your sister irks my nerves, my motherly instincts won't let me rest until I know that both of y'all are home safe"

"Do you know where she went?"

"Child no. She left right after I fussed about her not having a job and I haven't heard from her every since. I just pray that she's safe because I could never live with myself if something happens to my baby"

Although my momma and Dana don't get along often, one thing I can say is my momma loves Dana with everything is her. This isn't the first time she had stayed up until Dana came home. She does it all the time, especially if they get into it and Dana leaves. My mom's biggest fear is something happening to her babies and Dana isn't making it any easier with her behavior. That's why I hate the way Dana treats her because momma will do ANYTHING in the world for us

"Momma, she's fine. Go to bed"

She shook her head "no Noel. You know how I am. YOU need to go to bed. You still got school in the morning"

I sighed deeply, hating that she could be so stubborn

"Fine. Gooodnight ma"

"Goodnight baby" she kissed my forehead and I stood up, walking out of the living room and went down the hall to my room.

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