Twenty Nine

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"I just think it's funny how my name is always the topic of discussion" I started to vent on my Snapchat after that adding spree I've been on all Christmas break, I'm pretty sure more than half of the school was on my snap and they faithfully watch my stories

"I go to school everyday and mind my business but apparently that still ain't good enough for ya'll. I understand that y'all are upset because Kentrell and I lasted longer than y'all expected but damn, get over it. Y'all had y'all chance and it didn't work out so get over it and him cause he really ain't going nowhere"

I stopped recording and posted the video, then started another one "then one of y'all dumb bitches got the nerve to say that the only reason why he still with me is because I trapped him... baby, I will NEVER have to trap a nigga. First of all I'm NOT pregnant! I'm not that crazy. If he wanna stay then he'll stay and if it don't work out then oh well. I'm too pretty and got too much going on for myself to be forcing a nigga to stay with me and you can definitely ask Kentrell bout that"

"Fucking Period!" Elena yelled as she walked into the room with a ham and cheese sandwich in her hands. She walked over to my bed and put her face in the camera

"Don't none of y'all bitches want it either"

I laughed and stopped recording, posting that one as well then put my phone down as Elena walked over to her bed

"You know what I was think about lately?"

" what?"

She bit into her sandwich before responding "Getting a job"

I looked at her and started laughing while she frowned up her face

" forreal"

"I know you're serious that's the funny part"

Elena smacked her lips and threw a pillow at me but I caught it and threw it back as my phone let off a vibration. I received a snap from Madison

Did you hear bout Trey?

About you fuckin em? Spare the details sis im good off the both of y'all✌🏼

I exited the messages and saw I had another new snap. This time it was from Kentrell

Get off snap and bring yo ass outside😒


"Aye, I'll be back" I told Elena and she waved me off, already know it was Kentrell outside

"Just don't get pregnant"

"I'm not dana" I responded before walking out of the room

"fuck you" I could hear Dana yell from her room and I laughed while exiting the house. Kentrell's headlights nearly blinded me as I made it off of the porch and walked over to the passenger seat of his car. Kentrell has his seat laid back and he wore a black shirt with some black sweats. A blunt was pressed to his lips while his eyes were already low enough

"Damn you looking all daddish" I told him with a smile and he sat up then leaned over to me while pulling the blunt from his lips. Kentrell just eyed me for a while and after a few moments he blew smoke all in my face

"You asshole" I fussed and pushed him upside the head making him laugh. My phone vibrated from another Snapchat message and yet again, it was from Madison

Really Noel? It's not even about that. Every since you moved out there you started switching up but I guess it's cause of that lame ass boy. I told trey you wasn't worth his time and energy but he wanted to be so invested in gettin you back and now he missin but instead of you caring you too busy fussing on Snapchat bout some dick that apparently belongs to everybody smh

"Who that?" Kentrell asked as he looked in my phone while I read the message. I scoffed and made a face once I finished reading her message. When Kentrell was done reading the message he looked up at me, taking another hit from the blunt "Who she callin lame?"

"This bitch gone make me..." I muttered under my breath as I quickly exited off of Snapchat and FaceTimed her. It wasn't long before she answered

"Whatchu callin me for?" Madison immediately asked with an attitude "cause I'm not about to argue with a bitch that's not pulling up"

"Now if I take her all the way to Arizona ima make sure she leave yo' ass in critical condition" Kentrell said out loud and Madison cocked her head to the side

"Excuse me? You got me fucked up if you think you gone talk to me like that. Noel you better control your lil boyfriend"

"Ion gotta control nothin" I shrugged and she nodded

"Bet. When trey come back-"

"Fuck trey! With his bitch ass" Kentrell yelled

"Okay, keep that same energy when I tell him"

"Madison you might wanna chill out. Seriously before you get your feelings hurt" I warned her

"Ion know why y'all niggas and bitches out there keep playin' wimme" Kentrell said, now getting upset

"If you ain out here and ready to fight then I really don't wanna hear it simple" she said with a shrug and I nodded

"Cool! So when I take a trip out there be ready"

"And she ain comin alone either. Trust that so y'all better be ready cause I want all the smoke" Kentrell responded and I hung up the phone

"Everybody just tryina find a problem with me.. FOR WHAT?" I asked out loud and he looked over at me

"Fuck everybody. At the end of the day you know who really fuck witchu so nobody else should matter"

"You right. But imagine if you were in my shoes Kentrell"

"I know I ain in your shoes Noel. You just gotta stop lettin' people think it's okay to fuck witchu. I ain gone always be by your side. Even though I try to be cause ion want no niggas lookin at you"

I laughed and rolled my eyes while he chuckled

"Nah But forreal shawty. Stand yo ground. You been doin' a lot better with defending yourself though even though you still need to work on it some more.. but I'm proud of you"

"Thank you baby" I said with a smile "I'm proud of you too. You finally worked your way outta the doghouse. Thought I was gonna have to drop you forreal but you showed me you could do better"

"You can't ever drop me" Kentrell told me in a serious tone

"Chill out psychopath. I don't have time to end up missing next"

"You right" he agreed while looking at me, holding a straight face

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