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Saturday, February 1

"Noel... No-El... lil girl" Kentrell constantly called out to me as he repeatedly bawled up pieces of paper from my binder and threw them at me. I tried to ignore him as I studied for my unit exam on Monday but he was starting to get on my nerves

"Noah" he yelled throwing another ball of paper at me and I slammed my hands down on the table, glaring at him

"WHAT!? Damn"

He tried to look at me with a straight face but eventually he ended up bursting into laughter while I still glared at him

" get outcha feelings lil girl. You done studying?"

"No im not. You keep bothering me every five seconds"

"Well you might as well stop cause ima keep bothering you" he replied before throwing another ball of part, hitting me right in the face

"MAAAA" I yelled out, calling for my momma who was in her room

"What? What's wrong?" She immediately responded and kentrell sat back with a smirk on his face

"Can you tell this boy to leave. He gettin' on my nerves"

"Girl Bye! For you to cry when he really do leave" she replied and I smacked my lips while Kentrell started laughing, throwing another one at me

"I'm sick of you... asshole"

I picked up the balls of paper that he threw at me and started firing them back at him.

"Aye. Hit me with another ball of paper and ima throw this whole binder at yo head"

"Don't like it do you?" I asked before throwing another one. Kentrell stood up and walked over to me, pulling me out of my chair. He threw me across his shoulder but I tried to fight to get down

"Kentrell put me down!" I yelled while laughing. As I continued to fight my way off of his shoulder he walked his way down the hall into my room.

"Kentrell Desean!"

He threw me down on my bed and immediately climbed on top of me, kissing me deeply. I threw my arms around his neck and started kissing him back while his left hand slowly slid up my shirt

"Noel can I ve-" Elena started and stopped as she entered the room. She smacked her lips and Kentrell sighed before looking at her

"Whatchu want? Ol cockblockin' ass"

"I need to vent to my sister so shut up and go play with your stupid ass friends" Elena responded while she went over to her bed and sat down. Kentrell muttered something under his breath and I pushed him off of me while I sat up

"Alright what did Kd do?"

"Hold up! Who said it was bout my boy?" Kentrell immediately asked me and I made a face at him

"Just know that I know. Now hush" I retorted, mushing his face back and looked at Elena "Anyways.. What happened?"

"So I was just at Kd's house and we were chillin or whatever and outta the blue he started cracking jokes on me. Even though some of his joke were mean as hell I just laughed along like I wasn't bout to cry. So soon as I say a joke about his ears he wanna get mad and throw a football at my head... a football"

My eyes immediately shifted over to Kentrell knowing his childish ass was gonna start laughing and he did just that.

"Kd tryina give yo' ass a concussion"

"Kentrell shut up!" Elena frowned and I shook my head. I grabbed a pillow and hit Kentrell with it and focused back on Elena again

"So you left?"

"Hell Yeah. His stupid ass gave me a headache and he probably gave me brain damage"

"Brain already damaged enough"Kentrell muttered under his breath so I nudged him

"Did he mean to throw the football at you?"

"Yeah! He picked it up, cocked his arm back and threw it at me. Stupid ass nigga"

" you ain bout to call my boy stupid while I'm here. Witcho stank ass" Kentrell defended Kd and I rolled my eyes

"Well get out!" Elena told him so he stood up

"This my fuckin room. Ain' that right shawty?" Kentrell asked me but I just pulled him back down on the bed and laid on him, wrapping my arms and leg around him

"Don't let dumbass right here get you worked up. He probably didn't mean to throw the ball at you so hard. He was probably playing"

"Or, he probably mistook you as a goal post cause you built like one" Kentrell chimed in. I slapped my forehead and Elena glared at Kentrell before throwing her AirPod case at him and he started laughing

"I ain got no football but you keep on ima throw some else at yo ass"

"Elena" Dana called her name as she walked into the room. She had her hair back in a ponytail and she wore some sweats with a tank top that was getting a little too small for her growing baby bump now that she was close five months now. I loved Dana being pregnant because for some reason she was now chill and back to how she was before she lost her damn mind. Hopefully she'll stay this way after the baby gets here

Kentrell looked over at her and frowned up his face "eww"

Dana smacked her lips and rolled her eyes "don't start with me lil boy"

"What's up?" Elena asked Dana

"Well since Noel's pet is here, one of y'all wanna do me a favor.. I'll give you gas money?"

"My tank almost on E anyways" Kentrell told her as he held his hand out

"You gone pick up my pizza for me?"

"Our pizza? You tryina share?" Elena asked her

"You don't even eat the Hawaiian pizza" Dana replied and Elena frowned up her face

"You right. Never mind"

"I'll go get it" Kentrell volunteered and Dana's face lit up


"No" he replied and her smile dropped. I sat up and punched Kentrell in the arm so he started laughing "I'm just playin. Ol crybaby ass. Now gimme my gas money"

She smacked her lips and walked over to the bed, slapping a twenty in his hands. While she was at my bed I reached over and started rubbing her stomach

"Look at Auntie's nephew"

"Stop calling her a boy. It's a girl" Elena told me and I rolled my eyes

"We got enough girls in this house"

"No y'all got enough animals in this house" Kentrell yet again butted in pointing at Elena and Dana.

"Kentrell fuck you" Elena said while Dana just stuck her finger up at him and walked out of the room

"Just go get my pizza and shut up"

"You need to stop bullying my sisters" I told kentrell while laughing, getting up off the bed and he chuckled

"Yo sisters love me"

"Shitttt" Elena muttered and Kentrell got off the bed as well

"You riding with us young man?" Trell asked Elena and she got up too

"I don't have nothing else to do"

"Ol lonely ass"

She smacked her lips and hit him upside the head making him laugh and we all left out the room


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